Punjab Congress will leave for Lakhimpur tomorrow with a convoy of 10,000 vehicles

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    will leave for Lakhimpur with a convoy of 10 thousand vehicles: Pargat Punjab-Chhattisgarh Families of the deceased farmers Will give compensation of 50 lakhs

  • Yogi government has given compensation of 45 lakhs, promised 1 government job

Govts of other states seem very active in the Lakhimpur Kheri violence case. After the announcement by the governments of Punjab and Chhattisgarh to give Rs 50 lakh each to the families of the farmers killed in Lakhimpur, it was also said on behalf of the Punjab minister that the State Congress with a convoy of 10,000 vehicles reached Lakhimpur on Thursday. will leave for At the same time, senior Congress leader Harish Rawat is leaving for Lakhimpur Kheri with a convoy of 1000 vehicles from Ramnagar in Uttarakhand on Thursday morning.

In the Charanjit Singh Channi government in Punjab. Pargat Singh, who became a minister, said that the Punjab government and the Punjab Congress stand shoulder to shoulder with the victims of Lakhimpur Kheri. Punjab Congress will leave for Lakhimpur Kheri tomorrow on 7 October with a convoy of 10,000 vehicles. All will gather at the airport chowk.

Earlier, the Punjab and Chhattisgarh government announced Rs 50 lakh each to the families of the farmers killed in the Lakhimpur Kheri violence. . The governments of both the states have also talked about giving Rs 50 lakh to the family of the journalist killed during the coverage of the incident.

Click this also — Akhilesh Yadav will reach Lakhimpur Kheri tomorrow, will meet the families of the victims

The special thing is that the Chief Ministers of these two states The financial help being provided by the Yogi Adityanath government is more than the compensation amount. The Yogi government of the state has announced a compensation of Rs 45 lakh to the family of the deceased. Along with this, a member of the family of those who died will be given a government job. Not only this, it has been announced to give 10 lakhs to the injured. Along with this, a judicial inquiry has also been promised.

Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel said on this issue that the whole of India stands with the families of the victims. 50 lakh will be given by the state government to the family of each of the victim farmers and Rs 50 lakh will also be given to the family of the victim journalist. A similar announcement was made by the Punjab government.

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