PuraOre! Pride of Orange TV Sports Anime Out Now!

Joining the domain of sports anime is the never-before-seen, all-girls ice hockey anime. PuraOre! Pride of Orange has hit the silver screens on October 6. With its first episode out, we cannot help but cheer for the cute but fiery girls!

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The first episode of PuraOre! Pride of Orange gave us a unique mix of singing idols and ice hockey players. The hype revolving around this sports anime was justified with this special combination.

Have you ever seen an ice hockey championship celebrated with an idol performance? The opening theme song does exactly that and if that doesn’t make you want to watch this anime, we don’t know what will.

Get familiar with Ayaka, Kaoruko, Mami, Manaka, Naomi, Riko, and Yu, as these girls will win your hearts by making it to the top of ice hockey as Dream Monkeys from Nikko city.

Manaka and Ayaka may be sisters, but with a burning passion for ice hockey, these girls have a bond like no other.

The official Twitter account for PuraOre! Pride of Orange has sent fans into a frenzy by pumping out new visuals, details, and even a count down to the premiere of the first episode.

#ABEMA Broadcast started at

TV anime “Puraore!


# 01 “face off” broadcast started

ladies and gentlemen! By all means, what are your thoughts on anime?

#Puraore Tweet with



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#Ice Hockey

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Are you excited to watch the next episode of Puraore! Pride of Orange? – we sure are!

Let’s follow Manaka, Ayaka, and their childhood friends Kaoruko and Mami on their journey of getting hooked onto ice hockey and eventually joining the team called Dream Monkeys.

About PuraOre! Pride of Orange

PuraOre!~PRIDE OF ORANGE~ is an upcoming sport based anime. In collaboration with DMM Games, CyberAgent will be producing this ice hockey anime.

The anime tells the story of 7 hockey playing girls who will do their very best to make their team Dream Monkeys known to the world while also strengthening their friendship and bond along the way.

The anime is slated to release in October 2021, but before its release, a mobile game will be launched to promote the franchise.

Originally Written By Epic Dope

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