Putin: Russia is increasing gas supplies to Europe

Russia is also making increasing use of pipelines in Ukraine, according to Putin. Gas deliveries to Europe could reach a new record this year.

According to President Vladimir Putin, Russia is increasing its gas deliveries to Europe. Russia is also increasingly using pipelines in Ukraine, Putin said on Wednesday. Gas deliveries to Europe could rise to a record level this year. Russia is ready to help stabilize the situation on the global gas markets. Russia is a reliable supplier for Europe and Asia.

Customers in Europe made mistakes by turning to the spot markets, Putin said. Gas prices have exploded in the past few months. There is no end in sight. The fuel is scarce and the storage facilities are not as full as last year. Demand has increased significantly after the height of the corona crisis and the global economic recovery. In addition, many deliveries go to Asia, where the gas suppliers can achieve even higher prices than in Europe.


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