Queen Elizabeth will ‘definitely’ meet Lilibet despite Prince Harry’s concerns, says expert

Britain’s Queen Elizabeth will ‘definitely’ meet Prince Harrys daughter Lilibet, a royal expert has claimed
Britain’s Queen Elizabeth will ‘definitely’ meet Prince Harry’s daughter Lilibet, a royal expert has claimed

Britain’s Queen Elizabeth will ‘definitely’ meet her great-granddaughter, Lilibet, a royal expert Nick Bullen claimed in a podcast last September, months before Prince Harry shared that he will not be returning to the UK due to ‘security concerns’, reported Express UK.

Chances of Lilibet getting to meet the 95-year-old monarch appeared slimmer after Harry on Saturday announced that he will also be skipping his father Prince Philip’s memorial service in the UK in March.

However, if Bullen’s comments are anything to go by, Harry could cave in eventually and let Lilibet meet her royal family members.

Talking on the Royally Us podcast, Bullen said: “The Queen will definitely meet her great-granddaughter. I think she really would want to.”

“As the Queen has always said, Harry and Meghan are much-loved members of the family and I think the Queen rises above all of this. This is her family, they are her grandchildren and great-grandchildren, of course she wants to meet them,” he added.

Bullen also claimed that the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee year was the ‘perfect opportunity’ for Lilibet and Queen Elizabeth to meet in person.

“I think the Jubilee is a perfect opportunity… because if Harry and Meghan do come back to the Jubilee, and I’m sure they will because they have to be seen to be supporting the Queen, it’s a great moment for everyone to be together. Everyone’s going to have to play nicely and behave well because, again, it’s the Queen’s moment,” he said. 

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