Question about the shutdown of the Greek Euronews


Urgent question to the European Commission, “on the plan to shut down the Greek service of Euronews by the end of the year”, submitted by the MEPs of New Democracy on the initiative of the Vice President of the EPP in the European Parliament, Vangelis Meimarakis.

In the question, the MEPs of N.D. underline the uninterrupted and valid information provided by Euronews Greek, which is funded by the EU, as “with impartial, European journalistic information and deep knowledge of European issues, the Greek service covers, both on television and online, important news with international impact concerning Greece, Cyprus, the Balkans and the Southeastern Mediterranean “. They point out that “if the plan (interruption) goes ahead, the Greek section of Euronews will be the first EU language service to go silent” with the result that “28 employees (journalists, technicians, administrative staff) will remain unemployed”.

For the above reasons, and “given the recent challenges facing Europe in general, and Greece and Cyprus in particular “The voice of the Greek service of Euronews is more valuable than ever”, the MEPs of N.D. ask the European Commission if “it is its decision to silence the Greek service of Euronews and in fact on the 40th anniversary of Greece’s accession to the EU” and “even if this is not a decision of the (European) Commission, what does it intend to do? to prevent this negative development “

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