Quick News: Wicked, Terrifier 3, Dragon, Sports


Wicked Little Letters

Sony Pictures Classics has acquired North America and Chinese rights to the period mystery-comedy “Wicked Little Letters” from Studiocanal. A 2024 theatrical release is planned.

Olivia Colman and Jessie Buckley co-star in the 1920s English seaside in which residents begin to receive a series of obscene letters. When suspicion falls on the foul-mouthed woman in the town, the other women suspect something is amiss and decide to investigate.[Source:[Source:THR]

Terrifier 3

Art the Clown will return next year with “Terrifier 3” set to arrive on October 25th – the third installment of Damien Leone’s film series take place during Christmas as Art (David Howard Thornton) terrorises Miles County when its residents drift off to sleep on Christmas Eve. The recent second film earned a surprising $11 million on a $250,000 budget.[Source:[Source:Bloody Disgusting]

How to Train Your Dragon

Universal and DreamWorks Animation have pushed back the live-action take on “How to Train Your Dragon” by three months – going from March 14th 2025 to June 13th 2025. Dean DeBlois penned and directs the film which marks the latest shift of the calendar due to the ongoing actor’s strike.[Source:[Source:Deadline]

American Sports Story

Josh Andrés Rivera (“West Side Story”), Patrick Schwarzenegger (“Gen V”), and Lindsay Mendez (“All Rise”) will play Aaron Hernandez, Tim Tebow and Aaron’s cousin Tanya Singleton respectively in Ryan Murphy’s FX anthology “American Sports Story”.

The series focuses on a prominent event involving a sports figure and re-examines it through the prism of today’s world. Stu Zicherman’s first installment is based on the podcast “Gladiator” charting the rise and fall of the late Hernandez.[Source:[Source:Variety]

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