R. Krishnaiah Urges Government to Restore Full Mess Charges Scheme for BC, SC, ST Students

Hyderabad: National BC Welfare Association president R. Krishnaiah has urged the state government to restore the full mess charges scheme for students of the BC, SC and ST communities pursuing PG and other courses in universities.

Speaking at a public meeting held at Osmania University Arts College, Krishnaiah, a BJP Rajya Sabha member from AP, highlighted the struggles of students since the scheme’s withdrawal in 1994.

He criticised the government for replacing the scheme with a fixed amount, leaving students unable to pay mess dues, which now average ₹30,000 annually while scholarships cover only ₹15,000.

He also demanded the immediate payment of ₹4,000 crore in fee reimbursement arrears, stating that delays were depriving students of certificates, jobs, and higher education opportunities.

Krishnaiah pointed out the lack of own buildings for 300 BC hostels and 330 BC Gurukul schools. He demanded hostels be equipped with proper facilities like dining halls, libraries, and spacious rooms.

Further, he called for full government payment of fees for professional courses, increased scholarships for day scholars, monthly pocket money for hostel students, and bus passes. He also stressed the need for a BC Act, reservation in promotions, and increased educational and employment reservations for BCs.

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