Get to know the Nashville riser…

Robin Murray

06 · 10 · 2021

RAEYA has shared her beautiful new single ‘Escape’.

The Nashville riser has a blissful way with sound, a manner of melding together pop tropes to capture something new.

‘Escape’ is part of this journey, and it follows recent intimate performances for Sofar Sounds in which she previewed her material.

An attempt to exist outside her own head, ‘Escape’ aims to reach a higher place – and thanks to the sublime production, it certainly comes close.

Lyrically, RAEYA is unafraid to be personal, but she transcends her own experience on ‘Escape’ to chart something universal.

She comments…

“I love writing music that is outside of the box. When I create, I want the concept I am writing about in the song to feel like an actual experience in the duration of that track.”

“I wrote the song ‘Escape’ around the concept of being transcended into a higher reality, free from anxiety, fear, pain, and heaviness. I wrote the piano and guitar parts in this track to escalade into an ethereal euphoria with the hopes that it can make people feel a moment of rest, safety, and peace. The words and lyrics are all about having an almost out of body experience, where you can seem to escape the pressures and heaviness that we feel in the world.”

Tune in now.

Photo Credit: Bethany Brooke Showalter

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