Raisa's family is demanding 6 million euros in compensation from the policeman who killed their daughter

Raisa’s family is demanding 6 million euros in compensation from the policeman who killed their daughter on the crosswalk. The relatives of the injured girl who arrived at the hospital are also demanding compensation in the amount of one million euros.

In addition to the criminal case for culpable homicide, the police officer from Bucharest, which killed Raisa on January 13 and injured her colleague on the crosswalk, will also have two civil lawsuits. The officer, who is now under judicial control, is due to be heard again on Thursday morning.

” The prosecutor’s office and the court are to be constituted as a civil party with a maximum ceiling of 6 million euros for Raisa’s death. And on the other hand, the family is thinking of 1 million euros for the fractures suffered and the trauma ” , said Adrian Cuculis, the lawyer of Raisa’s family.

Lucian Bode: “The feeling I have is shocking”

The accident happened in Sector 1. The mother of the 11-year-old girl who survivors of the accident said that the two children hurried their step, when they saw the car of the policeman, who was approaching at speed. But the driver did not brake, but hit them hard. Later, hallucinatory images from the scene appeared in the press. The agent would have checked to see if Raisa was still alive or not.

Lucian Bode presented all the measures taken so far and promised total transparency in the conduct of the investigation and the presentation of the results. At the same time, the Minister expressed his regret at such a tragedy and sent condolences to Raisa’s family.

“Unfortunately, on the 13th In January, a police officer from the 5th Section of the Capital Police injured two minors, both 11 years old, with Raisa losing her life and Maria suffering several injuries, today being out of any danger.

I deeply regret this tragedy that shocked an entire country. Beyond the ministerial position, I am the father of a girl close to Raisa, and the feeling I feel is a shocking one. We know that whatever we say, whatever we do, we can’t bring Raisa back.

However, for the bereaved family and for the public opinion, I have the obligation to order measures within the limits of legal competences and to present the results of these measures. Once again, I extend my condolences to Raisa’s family and Mary’s recovery.

Therefore, immediately after this tragedy, we called for transparency and speed in documenting this case. In this regard, we have allocated sufficient resources and have directly supported the prosecutor. As soon as the criminal action was initiated, the policeman was made available by the Capital Police. At the same time, the Capital Police launched checks on the agent’s situation, while also taking other organizational measures “ , said Lucian Bode.

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