Ramadan Without Accidents : Dubai Police Distributes 10,000 Fast-breaking Meals Per Day To Motorists

Dubai Police distributed an average of 10,000 meals (iftar) per day and approximately 71,850 in the first week of Ramadan.

The “Ramadan Without Accidents” Initiative aims to reduce the number of traffic accidents before the fast-breaking time.

Once the traffic signal turns red at busy intersections, Police officers make their way to the drivers to hand out meal boxes.

Ramadan Without Accidents : Dubai Police Distributes 10,000 Fast-breaking Meals Per Day To Motorists - autojosh

Ramadan Without Accidents : Dubai Police Distributes 10,000 Fast-breaking Meals Per Day To Motorists - autojosh

The Dubai Police distributed an average of 10,000 fast-breaking meals (iftar) per day and approximately 71,850 meals in the first week of Ramadan as part of the “Ramadan Without Accidents” initiative.

To reduce the number of traffic accidents before the fast-breaking time, traffic officers and volunteers distributed meals at high-traffic intersections to approximately 71,850 individuals in the first week alone.

Ramadan Without Accidents : Dubai Police Distributes 10,000 Fast-breaking Meals Per Day To Motorists - autojosh

“The initiative aims to reduce the number of traffic accidents before iftar time, which is caused by certain drivers rushing home and engaging in potentially dangerous driving behaviors,” according to Khaleejtimes.

Pictures shared shows two Dubai Police officers standing at busy intersections, sacrificing their precious iftar time with family to serve the community.

Ramadan Without Accidents : Dubai Police Distributes 10,000 Fast-breaking Meals Per Day To Motorists - autojosh

Ramadan Without Accidents : Dubai Police Distributes 10,000 Fast-breaking Meals Per Day To Motorists - autojosh

Ramadan Without Accidents : Dubai Police Distributes 10,000 Fast-breaking Meals Per Day To Motorists - autojosh

Once the traffic signal turns red, the officers, Capt Khaled Al Hashemi and Lt-Col Abdul Rahman Obaid Al Falasi, make their way to the drivers to hand out meal boxes.

“Voluntary work is not something I am forced to do. It is a reward for me. These 20 minutes of service are moments I cherish,” said Lt-Col Al Falasi.

You Risk N10 Million Fine, 30-day Vehicle Impoundment If You Jump Red Lights In Dubai - autojosh

Question Of The Day : Can Your Car Outrun Dubai Police Cars? - (Photos) - autojosh

The Dubai Police has also announced that more than 400 security patrol vehicles and 62 civil defence vehicles will be deployed by the to monitor public safety during Eid Al Fitr holidays.

Others listed included 34 marine security boats, 135 ambulances, 10 maritime rescue boats, 51 bicycle patrols ready, five responder vehicles, and two helicopters.

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