Rare Photos From the Set of ‘The Sopranos’

sopranos film in new york

Arnaldo MagnaniGetty Images

As iconic as the characters were on The Sopranos, the locations are almost just as memorable—from the Bada Bing! to Dr. Melfi’s office to the Soprano family’s New Jersey home. But in real life, these sets were not as they appeared on TV. Take a tour of the studios where the HBO drama was filmed and see the behind-the-scenes photos we found of James Gandolfini, Jamie-Lynn Sigler, and more of the cast filming on location across the Tri-state Area in the 2000s.

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Father and Son on Set

Gandolfini walks on set in New York with his son, Michael, in 2003. Eighteen years later, Michael reprised his father’s iconic character in the prequel, The Many Saints of Newark.

“I had grown up on the set,” Michael said on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. “But set to me was being in my dad’s trailer, and Tony Soprano was no more than like my dad eating a sandwich in a robe.”

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A Memorable Location

Real fans will take one look at that tablecloth and know exactly where Gandolfini and Tony Sirico, who played Peter Paul “Paulie Walnuts” Gualtieri, are filming: Satriale’s Pork Store.

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Steven Van Zandt’s Casting

The E Street Band member, who played Silvio Dante—seen here on set in Brooklyn in 2006—was set to play Tony Soprano, before HBO shut it down. “As it turns out, was collaborative because [‘The Sopranos’ creator David Chase] cast me as Tony and HBO said, ‘Are you out of your f—ing mind? This is the most expensive show we’ll ever do, we can’t have a guy that never acted before,'” he told Fox News. “So, wiser heads prevailed, thankfully, and one of the greatest actors ever, [James] Gandolfini, got the gig.”

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The Soprano’s Front Door

That’s right, Tony’s home was shot in a studio. Just outside of his elegant front door was nothing more than a sound stage, filled with wooden boards and ladders.

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The Kitchen, Part 1

Fans will recognize the floral curtains, wooden chairs, and beige walls of the Soprano’s eat-in kitchen. Zoom out further and you’ll find panels of studio lights and an open sound stage ceiling.

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The Kitchen, Part 2

From its green countertops to the black refrigerator, the family’s kitchen was very on-trend for the time.

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The Living Room

Nestled between two side tables, the carefully-chosen sofa in the crime family’s living room was surprisingly cozy.

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The Refrigerator Reveal

Ever wonder what Tony eats when he’s not leading a life of crime? The prop fridge features orange juice, butter, milk, apple sauce, and plenty of Gatorade.

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The Food Props

Another piece of TV magic? The fake fruit.

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The Backyard

The pool in the backyard was shot on location—not in the studio. But the set featured fake greenery and lights to make the exterior seem more real.

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In the Makeup Chair

James Gandolfini gets a final touch up before filming.

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Goofing Around

And afterwards playfully turned the brush on his then-girlfriend, Lora Somoza.

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Guest Stars on Set

Sandra Bernhard (left) and Janeane Garofalo (right) play themselves, as they film a scene within a scene in the episode titled “D-Girl.”

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Shooting Stunts

A stuntman, playing a bicyclist, flips over a car door, while filming on location in Brooklyn.

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The Brains Behind the Show

The creator of The Sopranos, David Chase, stands next to the cameras, as he watches a scene unfold.

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Tanning Time

Tony Sirico gets some rays, while filming on location outside of Satriale’s Pork Store in Kearny, New Jersey.

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On-Set Discussions

Sirico kicks up his feet, as he discusses a scene with Gandolfini and the show’s creator, David Chase.

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The Bada Bing! Books

Attention to detail was everything on the Sopranos set, even down to the smallest props. Here’s the accounting book used in the Bada Bing!

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Clocking In

Also in the back room of the club? Employee time clock record stubs. Because when you work for Silvio Dante, you can’t be late.

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The Back Room

The back room of the Bada Bing! served as the location for many iconic moments on the show and was shot at Silvercup Studios in Queens, New York.

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The Game Table

Many conversations—and fights—happened at the famous game table. To ease any tension, there was always the punching bag.

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The Storage

And an endless stack of kegs.

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The Coffee Bar

If characters weren’t in the mood for beer, there was plenty of coffee and mugs to go around.

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The Office Desk

This isn’t your ordinary desk. It’s where many plots were hatched and people were scorned.

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A Closer Look

Move in and you’ll see some extra props: The newspaper, a calculator, tape, and a Dell computer.

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The Wall Decor

Serving as inspiration to the notorious crime family in the show, the walls were lined with pictures of some of the world’s most famous boxers.

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The Parking Lot

Did you know the Bada Bing! is a real place? Kind of. All exterior shots of the club were done of Satin Dolls in Lodi, New Jersey.

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A Role of a Lifetime

Dan Conte (a.k.a. Faustino “Doc” Santoro) films in Tribeca with Joe Conti, who played Doc’s bodyguard. Conti, a former New Jersey teacher, scored the small part after the stunt director’s son was in his class. “These are very important people, big actors, and they weren’t condescending,” Conti told NJ.com. “The cast is incredible — they’re personable, they’re excited about what they do. They give it 110 percent. They’re helpful, very easy to talk to, very friendly. Everybody was cheerful, up, excited.”

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Action on Set

James Gandolfini waits for his cue, while on set by The Plaza Hotel in New York City on October 15, 2003.

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A Special Cameo

AJ Lambert walks hand-in-hand with her mother, Nancy Sinatra, as they take a water break on set. Nancy, the daughter of Frank Sinatra, made an appearance as herself in season 6.

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