Ratakowski: Robin Thick sexually harassed me on the set of “Blurred lines” (vid)

Model Emily Ratakowski accuses musician Robin Thick of sexual harassment during the shooting of the video clip of the song “Blurred lines”

Watch “Emily Ratajkowski alleges Robin Thicke Sexually Assaulted Her during Blurred Lines filming” on YouTube https://t.co/lWuPVbvBoY

– twitta king levv (@HoodLevv) October 3, 2021

As NYP writes, in 2013, during the shooting of the music video for the song, which is still considered a great singing success of the artist, he was constantly drunk on the set, not only behaving inappropriately in general , but also made a gesture against her, grabbing her by the chest.

Emily was one of the three models who appeared in the clip with the singer.

“He smiled stupidly and stumbled backwards, his eyes hidden behind the glass ά ηλίου του. I avoided eye contact and director Diane Martel yelled at me, “Are you okay?”

the newspaper.

“I pushed my chin forward and shrugged my shoulders, avoiding eye contact, feeling humiliated,” she said. “I did not react – not really, not as it should.”

The director of the video clip confirmed the incident.

“I remember the moment he was caught her breasts, “he said. “One in each hand. He was standing behind her as they were both in profile. I screamed “What are you doing, this is it !! The shooting is over !! ‘”

Source: ΝΥP

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