Raúl Guti: “My first objective is to achieve permanence with Elche”

Electric, agile and fierce. This is how we could define Raúl Guti , player of Elche and one of the most talented of Fran Escribá’s painting.

The hand went through the microphones of ‘La Pizarra de Quintana’ to analyze the sports news of the Elche team and the football in general.

Objectives for this season: “My first objective is permanence with Elche and the second is to score five goals and give about four assists “.

The permanence of last year : “It was an uncertainty to know what was going to happen although, to this day, it is one of the most beautiful days of my life after how difficult it was. The joy was immense and hopefully this year do not the same “.

Did you ever think that the situation could not be reversed ?: “Yes, the day Alavés beat us at home was very hard. estuary faces of sadness were seen and it was difficult to think that we could get up but in the end we did. “

Have you asked for help in such cases? : “I did not ask for help to deal with those situations. Each of us has to look at our navel to know what we are doing right and wrong. In those situations, what you have to do is keep working, go out onto the pitch and when the game is over, look at each other’s face to see if we’ve given everything. “

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