RC Lens -0): Haise's punchline after the victory


After RC Lens’s success against Stade de Reims (2-0), Lensois coach Franck Haise confided that he preferred “to be a shark that ‘a dolphin.”

Zapping Goal! Football Club Olympique de Marseille – RC Lens: the debrief

In numerical superiority for a little over 45 minutes of play, RC Lens logically beat the Stade de Reims (2-0), at the opening of the ninth day of Ligue 1. A few minutes after the meeting, Franck Haise spoke at the microphone of Amazon Prime Video.

“The red card and the penalty put us in the lead at the break. And after that, we controlled the second period well, we managed to score the second goal quite quickly. has made things easier again, “analyzed the Sang et Or coach before giving his feelings on the runner-up position that his team occupies in the standings. “I would rather be a shark than a dolphin. We are second, we will taste this pleasure because we have to taste it but we do not take ourselves for others.”

– Racing Club de Lens (@RCLens) October 1, 2021

To sum up

After the victory this Friday of RC Lens against Stade de Reims (2-0), at the opening of the ninth day of Ligue 1, the coach of Sang et Or, Franck Haise, confided that he preferred “to be a shark than dolphin.”

Fabien Chorlet

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