Reader letter: Why have war memorials not been properly maintained?

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Reader Letters

Korean War veteran Pete Remdenok, left, salutes during the playing of O Canada at the Battle of Britain memorial service at Jackson Park Sunday, Sept. 20, 2020.  Joining Remdenok and standing in front of wreaths were Ron Sitarz, RCNA, Bob Goyeau, Korean Veterans Assoc., Bud Kosikowsky, Can. Historical Air Craft Assoc., Scott Davidson, North Wall Riders, Paul Lauzon, Windsor Veterans Memorial Service Committee and Geoff Bottoms, right, Southern Ontario Military Muster.
Korean War veteran Pete Remdenok, left, salutes during the playing of O Canada at the Battle of Britain memorial service at Jackson Park Sunday, Sept. 20, 2020. Joining Remdenok and standing in front of wreaths were Ron Sitarz, RCNA, Bob Goyeau, Korean Veterans Assoc., Bud Kosikowsky, Can. Historical Air Craft Assoc., Scott Davidson, North Wall Riders, Paul Lauzon, Windsor Veterans Memorial Service Committee and Geoff Bottoms, right, Southern Ontario Military Muster. Photo by Nick Brancaccio /Windsor Star

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The city of Windsor boasts a number of excellent parks, however, the other day while walking through Jackson Park I was disappointed to see two areas that showed disgraceful neglect.

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The memorial honouring the veterans of the Boer War in South Africa has fallen into severe disrepair. It is missing large pieces of concrete and is crisscrossed with cracks. Surrounded with construction fencing, its upkeep has obviously been ignored for years.

The second memorial is dedicated to those who served in the air service and presently displays two World War II fighter aircraft. It is an impressive memorial except that the three interpretive plaques have been so badly vandalized that visitors are unable to learn the significance of the structure.

The tablets have been in this condition for quite some time and yet essential repairs have still not been initiated.

Thousands of people visit Jackson Park each year to enjoy its natural beauty and historical significance. Windsorites should be proud of their park, but how embarrassing it is to come upon occurrences where needful maintenance has been ignored.

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Apart from the tourist draw, these memorials are meant to honour the servicemen who fought in previous wars for the freedoms and rights we enjoy today.

Do our city councillors only pay homage to our veterans during photo shoots on Remembrance Day?

In my opinion, it’s a disgrace to allow our war memorials to fall into such shameful disrepair.

Lionel Croteau, Windsor

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