Real Madrid blow: Summer signing suffers training ground injury

Spanish giants Real Madrid have, on Saturday, been dealt a blow on the personnel front.

The latest member of Carlo Ancelotti’s squad to have picked up an injury? Arda Guler.

Midfielder Guler, of course, sealed a highly-anticipated move to the Santiago Bernabeu earlier this month.

Fresh off a breakout campaign in his home country with Fenerbahce, the Turkish international was earmarked by a host of clubs from across the continent as a future star in the making.

In the end, though, despite the likes of Barcelona and AC Milan making their interest in his services clear, Guler opted to put pen to paper on terms with the aforementioned Real Madrid.

The 18-year-old, in turn, has since spent the last couple of weeks getting acquainted with his new teammates, ahead of his debut season in the colours of one of world football’s biggest clubs.

As alluded to above, though, on Friday, such efforts on Guler’s part have been brought to something of a halt.

This comes amid confirmation that the Turk has picked up an injury.

After reports began to spread across the Spanish press that Guler had been forced into a premature departure from team training, Real released an official statement, as follows:

‘Following tests carried out on our new signing Arda Güler, he has been diagnosed with an injury to the internal meniscus of his right knee. The player will be transferred to Madrid in the next few hours to continue with a specific course of treatment.’

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