Recall: Asus mainboards grill themselves

The mystery of melting Asus motherboards is solved. The manufacturer has launched an exchange program.

For a few weeks, about Asus motherboards that suddenly catch fire. Several such reports have surfaced on Reddit and other forums. Now the Taiwanese manufacturer has found the reason for the melting mainboards.

So it is This is not a design flaw, but a simple production defect . A single capacitor was installed the wrong way around on the motherboard. This will generate too much heat which will melt the components.

Exchange program started

According to Asus, only some of the Z690 Hero motherboards are affected that were produced in 2021 and the serial number 90MB18E0-MVAAY0 or those mainboards whose serial number begins with MA, MB or MC.

Asus has already launched a recall program. Affected Asus customers can register on a specially
established website take care of replacing the motherboard.

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