Received 30 reservations in 30 minutes after pouring

The orders flow into the nightclub Youngs after the government reopened the country’s beer taps: – Some of them are large groups as well, so this is great, says general manager Cissi Ohlsson.

Cissi Ohlson at Youngs in Oslo broke out in cheers when the government opened the beer taps again, and the reservations ran in.

Fredrik Solstad / E24



– This is great, exclaims Cissi Ohlsson, general manager at the bar Youngs in Oslo.

Just half an hour after Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre entered the podium to hold a press conference, Ohlson opened his laptop. 30 emails from guests have arrived.

They will reserve a table this weekend, mainly Saturday.

– Some of them are large groups as well, says Ohlsson, and a colleague estimates that around 150 people will have a table already this weekend.

The government allows for alcohol to be served again until 11 pm from tomorrow, Friday . The country’s beer taps have been closed since mid-December.

The management of the nightlife group Noho Norway had gathered at Youngs to follow the government’s press conference. There, the government eased the liquor ban that has lasted since mid-December.

Noho Norway runs some of the capital’s most famous night spots, such as Kulturhuset, Colonel Mustard and Elsker.

– Now I’m just very happy. This was a good first step. I was worried about whether they would come up with demands for food service, but it did not come, says Emma Vernon, who is part of the management of Noho Norway

Also read

LO says it is still tough: – Norway is not declared healthy until people are back at work Relieved of new quarantine rules

Vernon is responsible for among other nightclubs Youngs, Kulturhuset and Prindsen Hage in.

She says that all these places will open now that the liquor ban is lifted.

– The extra hour is very important for my places, which make money late, says Vernon.

Emma Vernon in Noho Norway says that they will open all their nightclubs tomorrow.

Fredrik Solstad / E24

– We open everything tomorrow at 11. I’m very happy.

Vernon is also relieved that the quarantine rules are eased somewhat. It could have serious consequences for her places by infection among the staff.

– Now they can test themselves out of it even if they have had close contacts. So I’m very happy about that.

A small concern is that the government can not rule out a new shutdown, says Vernon, but now it’s about focusing on tomorrow. The Noho management expects to sit for a few hours at Youngs now, to call in staff and plan for tomorrow.

The management of the nightlife group Noho Norway estimates that around 150 people have reserved a place at the nightclub Youngs in Oslo already this weekend.

Fredrik Solstad / E24

  • More facilitations

    In addition to the alcohol reliefs, the government implemented

      these changes :

      • Other close contacts no longer have a quarantine obligation, but it is recommended to test yourself three days after close contact, and a new test two days later.

  • Public events indoors with fixed allocated seats increase to a maximum of 200 people. Requirements for yellow in kindergartens, primary and secondary schools and SFO are abolished. Requirement for national action level on red in upper secondary schools is abolished.
    Note: This article has been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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