Record beef prices spur $11 million loss for Australia’s largest meat cooperative

While beef producers with Australia’s largest meat cooperative enjoyed record prices last year, it resulted in a massive hit to the processing business.

Key points:

  • The Casino Food Co-op has reported an $11 million loss for the 2022-’23 year
  • CEO Simon Stahl says record cattle prices were a key factor for the processor’s loss
  • The co-operative’s pork processing plant at Booyong delivered a small profit

The Casino Food Co-op in northern NSW, formerly the Northern Co-operative Meat Company, has reported a $11m loss in the 2022-23 financial year to its members, up from a $7.91 million loss last year.

It is the largest loss in Simon Stahl’s time in charge of the cooperative, and while the chief executive said it was not a great result it was not unexpected.

“We had forecast at last year’s AGM that these last 12 months would be tough trading with record cattle prices and that’s how it turned out,” he said.

Simon Stahl from the Northern Co-operative Meat Company

CEO Simon Stahl says the co-op had forecast at last year’s AGM that the 12 months would be tough.(Supplied)

The record cattle prices were driven by lack of cattle supply due to strong producer demand for restocker animals since 2020 following the last drought.

Mr Stahl said they were also still experiencing a “hangover” from China’s suspension of its meat exports in May 2020 due to a labelling issue.

That loss of access to China came at the start of the restocking process.

“So when we lost 1,000 cattle we just didn’t have cattle that we could find to replace them, and that has continued for the last couple of years,” he said.

“The plant’s been operating at well below capacity, even at times as low as 30 per cent of capacity, and we’ve held onto our staff to make sure when the cycle turned we were ready to take advantage of it.”

An aerial view of abattoir workers slicing meat in a plant.

Processing beef in co-op’s the new retail-ready plant was below capacity.(ABC Rural: Kim Honan)

He said it was a significant downturn and the longest transition from a strong supply of cattle to restocking that he had seen in his time in the industry.

“The herd’s got up to 29 million, which would be as high as it’s been in 30 or 40 years, from a low of 24 million,” Mr Stahl said.

With the weakened demand for restocker cattle, prices have more than halved since January, paving the way for improved profitability for processors.

“At the same time meat prices across the globe were dropping quite substantially, and it wasn’t until about May-June until we saw some profitability come back into processing,” he said.

Cattle in pens at Lismore Saleyards.

A reduced demand for restockers has seen a substantial decline in cattle prices in 2023.(ABC Rural: Kim Honan)

Another of the contributing factors was the supply chain costs rising over the 12-month period across all aspects of the business.

“From transport, chemicals that we use in our tanning process, chemicals for cleaning, cardboard, plastics, you name it. It’s everything,” he said.

The co-op’s pork processing plant at Booyong, north of Lismore, did deliver a small profit.

“It certainly had some difficulty early in the year, particularly following the floods of last year where we lost a lot of the workforce, and that was around housing. That took some time to stabilise and we have done that,” he said.

Workers prepare cattle hides for export.

Tannery workers in Casino prepare cattle hides for an export shipment.(ABC Rural: Kim Honan)

Mr Stahl said its tannery also had a difficult trading year.

“A lot of that was due to slow demand across the globe in terms of leather products as interest rates and cost-of-living pressures hit household budgets,” he said.

A white gate with several signs to gain access to a meat plant.

The Casino Food Co-op processes beef and operates a tannery at this plant in Casino.(ABC Rural: Kim Honan)

With a decline in cattle prices he said the co-op’s outlook was positive.

“It’s a known fact, unfortunately, that when cattle producers are doing terrific, like they have in the last two to three years with those record prices, we perform poorly,” he said.

“Then the shoes on the other foot — when supply becomes too plentiful the abattoirs start to make some money.”

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Posted , updated 

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