Reese Witherspoon’s daughter Ava Phillippe opens up about sexuality: ‘Gender is whatever’

Ava Phillippe, Reese Witherspoon’s daughter, said that she is “attracted to people”.

The 22-year-old model, influencer and college student publicly addressed her sexuality while answering questions from followers on Instagram.

When one person asked her whether she liked “boys or girls”, Ava Phillippe responded: “I’m attracted to… people! Gender is whatever.”

Phillippe, who is the daughter of Reese Witherspoon and Ryan Phillippe, also told her followers that her life would be “very” different if her parents had not been famous.

“That said though, I wouldn’t change a thing,” she said.

“The good and the not-so-good all made me who I am and gave me so many amazing opportunities. My parents get to do what they love, which is super cool.”

Reese Witherspoon is a long-time LGBT+ ally, but grew up not knowing ‘what homosexuality was’

Reese Witherspoon was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, in 1976, and was raised in Nashville as an Episcopalian, and recently opened up about how she had no knowledge of the LGBT+ community before moving to Los Angeles.

She told Variety: “‘What did my mum say about sexuality, race, class? What were the things that I was told that maybe were true or not true? How was I insensitive?’

“No one spoke to me about sexuality when I was a teenager.

“I didn’t understand what homosexuality was. My grandparents didn’t explain it: My parents didn’t explain it.

“I had to learn from somebody I met on an audition in Los Angeles.”

Witherspoon formerly sat on the advisory board for Time’s Up, an advocacy group which aims to protect workers from sexual assault and harassment based on their “race, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, gender identity, and income level”.

However, the board dissolved in the fall-out over the CEO’s handling of sexual assault allegations against then New York governor Andrew Cuomo.

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