Refriango and Super Bock sign partnership for the return of Portuguese beer to Angola

The Angolan Refriango and the Super Bock Group signed a partnership for the return of the Super Bock and Cristal brands to the Angolan market, with an initial investment of 5 million dollars (4.3 million euros) in the production of beers.

In statements to journalists, on the sidelines of the announcement of the partnership, in Luanda, the executive president of Refriango, Diogo Caldas, stated that the objective is to reach a share of 5% and a production of around 30 million liters in two or three years.

The agreement marks the return to Angola of the two brands of the Super Bock group, which it even exported more than 100 million liters per year to the African country and had the intention of building a brewery, a project that it abandoned in 2019, invoking residual sales in the market due to the financial and economic crisis in the country.

Manuel Violas, ‘chairman’ of the Super Bock Group and leader of Violas SGPS, added that “this is the perfect time” and “makes perfect sense” reent r now in Angola, after finding a partner “with the capacity and willingness to take the project forward”, which allowed us to overcome the initial failure.

The head of the Super Bock Group admits that it will be “much more difficult” in the current circumstances to reach the 140 million liters of Portuguese beer that were exported to Angola in 2009, but showed confidence in the partnership with Refriango.

Diogo Caldas highlighted the weight of the beer category at Refriango – which also produces the Tigra brand – and explained that the initial investment involves, in addition to licensing, the acquisition of containers, crates and glass bottles, among other equipment to produce the beers.

Super Bock and Cristal beers are intended for a premium segment and should have a price slightly above the average cost of Angolan beer (125 to 150 kwanzas, that is, 18 to 21 cents).

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