2021-09-29 19:31
2021-09-29 19:31
Introducing middle class relief for people running JDG, additional relief for working people who have reached retirement age, or postponing the entry of solutions regarding taxes on renting flats – these are some of the amendments proposed by PiS to the tax changes related to with the Polish governance.
On Wednesday, the second reading of the draft act on personal income tax, the act on corporate income tax and certain other acts. It is about the tax package of the Polish Order.
During the debate, the majority of parliamentary clubs submitted further amendments to the proposed changes. Thus, he was again referred to work in the parliamentary finance committee.
According of the ruling party of Poland, the order is a historic tax cut , with which we dealt. The opposition, in turn, argues that the new solutions will affect the most active Poles, and any profits will be eaten up by high inflation.
Chairman of the parliamentary finance committee Henryk Kowalczyk (PiS), who reported on the work on the bill in committee, he announced that his club had proposed several more changes to the draft amendment. He explained that one of them concerns the introduction of a middle-class tax relief for sole proprietorships
The draft law states that the right to the so-called allowances for the middle class are granted to taxpayers who receive income “from a service relationship, employment relationship, homework and a cooperative employment relationship in the amount between PLN 68 thousand 412 and PLN 133 thousand 692 (respectively monthly – for the purpose of calculating monthly tax advances – in the amount of PLN 5 thousand 701 to PLN 11 thousand) 141 PLN). ”After introducing the amendment mentioned by Kowalczyk, the category of taxpayers who could benefit from the tax relief will be extended to people running a business and settling accounts on general principles (using the tax scale).
The chairman of the parliamentary finance committee added that another amendment envisaged relief for working people who have already reached retirement age. He explained that it would amount to over PLN 85,000 and encourage such e people to stay in the labor market.
Kowalczyk explained that subsequent changes will postpone some of the solutions included in the project. It will concern, inter alia, rules on taxation of rental housing , which are to enter into force a year later, that is from January 1, 2023. The deadline for submitting applications for abolition, capital repatriation.
The PiS MP stressed that the new tax regulations will allow Poles to leave about PLN 17 billion in their pockets. As he argued, it will happen, inter alia, by raising the tax-free amount up to 30,000 PLN or increasing the second tax threshold to 120 thousand. zloty. “These two tax moves mean that citizens will benefit greatly from this law” – assured Kowalczyk.
He added that many amendments were made to the bill during the work on the bill. One of them concerned a tax relief for families with at least four children. “This is an increase in the tax-free amount by another PLN 85,000, because this 30,000 PLN is for everyone” – explained Kowalczyk. Another pro-family change concerns relief for children for single parents, it is PLN 1,500.
The solutions included in the Polish tax order were supported by Jarosław Sachajko, a representative of the Kukiz’15 circle, who said that, for example, increasing the tax-free amount was a postulate of the party he represented. He also praised the raising of the second tax threshold. Supporting the idea of introducing a tax on corporations, so that they would not avoid taxation, the politician pointed out that there should be some exemptions in this mechanism, especially for companies that, despite high revenues, do not have a large profit.
Criticism of the ideas of power
Other clubs and parliamentary circles generally criticized the solutions proposed by the government tax.
According to Izabela Leszczyna (KO) tax Polish order is “unprecedented chaos, mess” , which will hit Polish entrepreneurs – especially small and medium-sized ones, who, unlike large companies, will not be able to escape e.g. to another tax residence. She added that the possible profit, for example for pensioners, will be eaten up by the “inflation tax”.
According to Leszczyna, the proposed project is “a continuation of the privatization of the healthcare system”, and PLN 80 billion will be removed from the health insurance contribution.
Dariusz Wieczorek from the Left pointed out that the tax system is not to serve the ruling party, only the Poles – no matter which party is ruling. “With this bill, you are making the tax system more complicated and not as beneficial as the government propaganda presents it,” he argued.
Wieczorek added that the draft introduces an additional tax, which is called the health insurance contribution. He admitted that there are several good solutions in the draft, but in general it is a bad act and the Left will not support it. However, he submitted several amendments, including concerning a progressive system and compensation for local governments or the restoration of the possibility of taxing a single parent with a child.
PSL leader Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz said that solutions in the Polish order hit the most active entrepreneurs, working pensioners and hard-working people . “You have created a vision that the money from the health premium you raise will go to health, which is not true, because the health premium will not change. There is not a single zloty for health, but more will be in the state budget, from which you will contribute two more billions of TVP “- he added.
He assessed that the project could still be repaired, but under the condition of adopting the MPs’ amendments, including the introduction of no new taxes during the epidemic and two years after its completion.
According to Jakub Kulesza (Confederation) The Polish order is a historic tax increase, not a reduction in taxes. He acknowledged that the current tax system is illogical, flawed and complicated, but “your new shaft is even more illogical and inconsistent”. Kulesza said that the Polish Deal is 100 percent. an election project, which is to satisfy the PiS electorate, and tax solutions will be financed by those who generate half of Polish GDP.
Stanisław Bukowiec from the Agreement, who called the new tax solutions “wishful thinking” .
Paulina Hennig-Kloska (Poland 2050), who appealed to PiS members to stop promising Poles wealth , because the Polish order will not provide them with this.
Similarly, Agnieszka Ścigaj (near Polskie Sprawy) said that the new tax solutions would create a space for “combining and circumventing the law”.
” Will the tax system become just overnight, from January 1? which now make it clearly distinguishable from other systems not only globally, but even in our region. It will be more progressive than it is now. Now we know that it will be a great step in a very good direction “- summed up the debate, Deputy Minister of Finance Jan Sarnowski. (PAP)
authors: Michał Boroń, Longina Grzegórska-Szpyt, Aneta Oksiuta
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