Religious intolerance: 6 evangelical families are arrested and expelled from Mexico City

The Confraternity of Pastors of the State of Oaxaca (Copaceo) condemned the religious persecution against the small evangelical community in the city of San Pedro Chimaltepec, where 15 people were detained by the authorities.

According to Copaceo, municipal authorities detained, looted and deprived of their freedoms six families for not contributing to the local Catholic festivities on December 18 2021.

There were also graffiti, theft and vandalism on the property where the church is located.

The detained evangelicals were released and fined five thousand pesos each, but the six evangelical families were expelled from the City. There are a total of 20 people in the families, including children, women and men.

On January 7th As of 2021, the Oaxaca People’s Human Rights Ombudsman (DDHPO) reported that it is intervening with the local authorities, “in the face of possible human rights violations for alleged religious intolerance, committed against 3 people” in San Pedro Chimaltepec, in the municipality of San Juan Mazatlán Mixe.”

“Freedom of worship and conscience help us. In Mexico and Oaxaca, we all have the right to act according to our beliefs, without affecting others”, says Copaceo.

Cases of religious intolerance occur, although in 2017, the Senate of the Republic of Mexico approved reforms to the Federal Penal Code that include religious discrimination in the criminal category of crimes against the dignity of the person, punishable by three years in prison.

“We consider it very urgent for the authorities to intervene to resolve this case and prevent the believers are expelled, as happened with Pastor Brígido Domínguez,” he said in a statement.

Copaceo informed although the inhabitants of San Pedro Chimaltepec, arrested by the authorities, count on their support and highlighted the importance of fighting religious intolerance in the state of Oaxaca.

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