Reps C’ttee on Ports , Harbours canvass for improved Revenue at Ports

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The Chairman House of Representatives Committee on Ports and Harbours Hon.Nnolim Nnaji has urged the terminal operators at the nation’s sea ports to cooperate with the relevant government agencies to ensure an improved revenue generation from the maritime sector.

Nnaji who addressed the representatives of the operators during an engagement with the committee had observed that the current internally generated revenue, IGR of the Nigerian Ports Authority, (NPA) must be improved.

He noted that the Federal Government was determined to rehabilitate the ports which according to him would gulp over one billion  dollars adding that it was important that every revenue leakage must be blocked.

Honourable Nnaji who represents Nkanu East/West Federal Constituency of Enugu State in the green chamber said that the nation could no longer rely on oil as the mainstay of the economy adding that maritime sector especially the NPA was being looked up to by the government as one of the major sources of revenue for the infrastructural development of the country.

The committee also requested for some documents from the terminal operators to further assess their compliance to the terms of the memorandum of understanding, (MOU) entered into with the Nigerian Ports Authority, (NPA) at the various terminals.

Top on the lists were  the copy of the agreement with NPA, their terminal development plans, inventory of their equipment including the ones inherited from the NPA and proof of remittances of fees and rents according to the terms of the MOU.

They are to also provide their proof of insurance on their assets, and total investment on infrastructure as well as the data of all the cargoes handled since the start of their business at the ports.

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