Resident responds to the boycott of J Balvin to the Latin Grammy: “you don't have a pencil” + (Video)

In a strong message that he later deleted, he compared the Colombian’s music to a hot dog cart.

Puerto Rican singer René Pérez, also known in the urban world as Resident , reacted to the controversies statements by J Balvin. This time he spoke about a boycott that J Balvin intends to promote against the Latin Grammy.

His words came about because recently the complete list of the nominees for the awards that recognize the best of Latin music was known. To the annoyance of J Balvin and according to him, the urban genre was not recognized as it should be.

“The Grammys don’t value us, but they need us. We give them rating but they don’t give us respect. Those who have power in the genre, none should go, that is, all of us because we are a movement ”, was part of J Balvin’s message.

Residente did not hesitate to react to his words and launched harsh criticism. Through his official Instagram account, he shared a video in which compared the Colombian’s music with a hot dog cart .

“I don’t know why it bothers you so much if, according to you, every 15 seconds you make history. You have to understand, it’s like a hot dog cart is shrinking because you can’t earn a Michelin star. Don’t get me wrong, everyone loves hot dogs. Your music is like a hot dog cart that many people may like, but when they want to eat well they go to a restaurant and that restaurant is the one that earns Michelin stars. If you want to be nominated, you have to stop making hot dogs and open a restaurant. The point is that if you don’t have a pencil, you have to lower it by 20 ”, said Residente.

His words unleashed all kinds of reactions on social networks. Other figures of the genre such as the Cuban Yotuel , also spoke out about the controversial boycott proposed by J Balvin.

“The day you manage to speak to the Colombian people and put yourself in the shoes of the people and do not put yourself in the numbers and visits, we are talking about the urban movement ”, said Yotuel.

After the hints, Residente deleted his video from his social networks and the controversy over the recognition of the urban genre in The Latin Grammy continues. However, others allege that Latin music goes beyond reggaeton.

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