Rest: Fran Sol neutralizes a splendid Ibiza


The Ibiza is planted this noon in the Gipuzkoan fiefdom evidently with the intention of remaining undefeated in the category and ready to get his second consecutive victory of the season, something that has not happened yet. The celestial, who are being the revelation of the course despite being recently promoted to the category, have come from winning Burgos (2-0) in what was their first win at home. But, above all, they have not lost yet after seven games played, something that speaks very well of the team that Juan Carlos Carcedo trains.

In the casualties section, the coach has all your available players. The midfielder Kevin Appin has dragged discomfort during the week and falls from the call, in which defender Álex Gálvez enters for the first time, who was injured in preseason. The center-back was one of the flashy signings, but so far he has not been able to debut with his new team.

As to watch: Bogusz. The Pole scored again (a great goal against Burgos) and continues to stand out with the sky blue.


Eibar and Ibiza play an important match for their interests in Ipurua. They have never faced each other and their premiere comes in professionals, so whatever the result, it will have the historical label. In any case, and despite the fact that the visitors do not know the defeat, both teams are tied on points in the table, with 11 each.

And it is that the Ibizans have tied on 5 occasions and have won 2, while the gunsmiths add one more victory, although it is true that they have lost two matches. Three exazulgrana will return to Ipurua. Javi Lara, Gálvez and Diop are part of the armory history, but in this case, an Ipurua with people in the stands can be key to giving the final push to his team. Garitano will have the only loss of Anaitz Arbilla, who has not recovered from his muscular injury and who will presumably be replaced in the rear by Etxeita.

As to follow: Foundling . He is performing at a very high level, and he is maintaining it in every game. If he’s okay, the whole team carburates.

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