Review: The Dbrand Grip case for Pixel 8 with MagSafe is Made for Google perfection

Dbrand has made the Grip lineup available for the Pixel series several years in a row, and it’s often stood at the top in terms of quality and protection. This year, with the Dbrand Grip case for Pixel 8, MagSafe comes into the fray. And with Made for Google certification, it’s hard to deny it a spot at the head of the table once more.

Every year with a new Pixel phone entry, Google certifies several case makers with the coveted Made for Google stamp of approval, which essentially just means that Google was there during the design process and has ensured that the case lives up to its standards.

The Grip case from Dbrand is one such case, and it’s one we’re familiar with in certain aspects. As the name implies, the Grip case is touted as a very friction-friendly Pixel 8 case. Microscopic bumps cover the edges, which adds abrasion between the plastic and your skin. Toward the bottom, several silicone strips add a different type of friction, which lies where your palm would be.

In my experience, the small bumps add the necessary resistance in your hand and fingers and in no way does it feel unpleasant on the case. The issue I have with a lot of cases is the effect natural oils have on them. While it’s normal, cases always end up feeling too slippery and need to be cleaned with alcohol to get their grip back. The Dbrand Grip case for the Pixel 8 lineup, however, never loses that abrasion and continues to be easy to hold after prolonged use.

The edges of the screen are done really well this year. With no curved screen, the case doesn’t need to lose material to accommodate it. However, Dbrand still brings the edge flush with the display, which makes it easy to use the Pixel’s navigation controls without rubbing up against the case. The top and bottom of the case are raised a bit, which protects the screen from hitting a flat surface on impact.

Cutouts are done well, and the buttons are correctly advertised as extra clicky. I’ve never had to press harder than normal with a Grip case, and the Pixel 8 series is no different. The power button is textured uniquely in comparison to the volume rocker, so it’s easy to figure out what you’re tapping.

The biggest change, however, is the addition of MagSafe magnets on the back of the case. This adds an entire new layer of accessory possibilities. I have plenty of MagSafe-compatible devices around, and I was a little disappointed when the Grip case of last year lacked the feature. Now, it can house a MagSafe wallet or snap to a wireless charger with ease. The magnets in the Grip case are plenty strong and well-designed – Dbrand developed a custom array to ensure a good fit.

In the company’s true fashion, the Grip has an additional colorful touch up its sleeve. Each Grip case comes with the design of your choosing in the form of a skin, of which Dbrand has a lot. I’ve been using the Magma design, which looks killer. There are plenty of skins to check out, and you can add multiple to your order so you don’t get stuck with just one option. For others, the plain black finish of the naked case might be a good choice too.

It’s also worth mentioning that each skin comes with a camera bar cover to protect that vulnerable polished metal.

Overall, the Dbrand Grip case for the Pixel 8 series is fantastic. It isn’t an ultrathin option, but it does the job and looks good while doing it. Dbrand could’ve gone with a basic case that touts its huge lineup of skins, but it put some serious thought into real-life usage. The result is a case that feels great to hold and use while protecting Google’s latest Pixel.

The Grip case is available for the Pixel 8 and 8 Pro at $54.90, with units shipping in early November. Each is available for pre-order.

Buy the Grip case

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