Reviver + and Dia + revealed for Pokémon GO

Yesterday evening, the Taiwanese manufacturer Brooks officially announced the release of new Reviver and Dia , the next products of its range of Pocket Auto Catch clothing intended for use with Pokémon Go .

With these devices, Pokémon trainers can automatically catch and collect Pokémon and items, and use new features like a game-disconnect reminder, battery level display, and Exclusive built-in Pocket Center APP application for device configuration and other features. Both devices will be available on October 8 .

Xavier Henry – Titiks Assumed player in his thirties and 2AM Father confirmed, fan of everything is able to tell him a good story, touches everything inveterate and devoted to the console universe from the MegaDrive of his youth, you will see me more often connected after dark. Find me on Twitch @ un_daron_dans_le_game and on Twitter .

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