Revolution in Playboy on the cover comes the first gay “bunny”

5 October 2021 – 21:01

The first gay boy to appear on the Playboy cover is called Bretman Rock. A revolutionary choice, which brought with it many controversies

Rivoluzione a Playboy sulla cover arriva il primo “coniglietto” gay

In the period of politically correct , where talking about genres becomes almost a crime, even Playboy , the best known of the men’s-only newspaper has moved on. On its cover, which hosted the most beautiful women in the world photographed in sensual poses and with few veils, now a gay boy dominates. Dressed like a sexy bunny, complete with ears and a fluffy tail, Bretman Rock is the first gay to appear in the magazine of Hugh Hefner the founder who passed away 4 years ago. But who is this boy? Well-known youtuber and beauty influencer, 23 years old, Filipino, he brought a small revolution in a world considered exclusively male, which certainly will lead to considerable controversy.

Much active in the field of LGBTQ people’s rights, he became famous when as a professional make-up artist, he posted a video in 2016, which went viral, in which he performed a perfect countouring (a make-up technique that uses cosmetics to define, enhance and sculpt the structure of the face ed). He currently has 18 million followers on Instagram alone, and is the star of a reality show about his life on MTV. Just like one of the Kardashians in exotic sauce.

In 2017 at just 19 years old, Time put him on the list of 30 Most Influential Teenagers to the world while Forbes when he was 20, he included him in that of 30 Under 30 Asia -Media Marketing & Advertising . Important numbers, which then led him to the goal of what is the dream of every self-respecting diva, that of the Playboy cover. Cover that only twice had seen a man appear. Its founder Hugh Hefner, and last year in the Mexican version, Victoria Volkova the first transgender woman.

That Playboy has a boy on the cover is a great thing for the LGBT community, for my community of color, and it’s all so surreal -said Bretman- I wonder is this really happening? But I’m so pretty “. Great satisfaction also among the gay community:” A powerful step towards greater inclusion in the world of fashion and modeling “these are the words of Anthony Allen Ramos of the organization Glaad, who fights against gay discrimination.

Some readers of the magazine have a different opinion, which since last year has switched from paper to content digital, who on social media have expressed their disappointment at this choice considered extreme: “ The question is: now who is it addressed to? “asks a guy on Twitter,” You are killing this brand ”comments another, and again:” Playboy is long dead … and now you understand why “.

Predictable criticisms, to which the spokesperson of the PLBY Group responds, which publishes the magazine: “ These kinds of attacks are similar to the ones Playboy received when he put African American Darine Stern on the cover in 1971, or when he chose trans model Tula Cossey in 1991 or when we fought for abortion at time of ‘Roe vs Wade’ and in the 1970s for cannabis reform. If a gay man is feeling sexy in the iconic bunny costume, why shouldn’t he be able to wear it proudly? “.

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