ring of fire eclipse

Published October 2, 2023

5 min read

On October 14, a “ring of fire” solar eclipse will appear across a swath of the western United States, as well as in parts of Central and South America. The sun will be blocked by the moon, which will appear slightly smaller, producing the glowing ring in the sky. This phenomenon, known as an annular solar eclipse, was last seen in the U.S. in 2012 and won’t be visible again in the continental U.S. until 2039.

If you are in the path of the eclipse, with the right eye protection, you’ll be able to safely see this rare celestial display—and you might hear and feel the eclipse, too.

What you need to know to see the ‘ring of fire’ eclipse

All lower 48 U.S. states will get a partial eclipse, but only certain areas in Oregon, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas will get the full “ring of fire” effect. This phase of the eclipse begins at 9:16 a.m. Pacific time in Oregon and sweeps across the country, passing over San Antonio, Texas, at 11:52 a.m. Central time. 

Parts of some Central and South American countries, including Nicaragua, Panama, Colombia, and Brazil, will also see the annular eclipse. Maps created by NASA show the path where the ring of fire will be visible and the times for best viewing.

Without eye protection, however, your eyes could be severely damaged in an instant—even when only the ring of the sun is visible. Solar viewing glasses (also called eclipse glasses) or safe handheld solar viewers are the only safe way to see an eclipse. These products must be certified so you can be sure your eyes are protected.

(Why it’s critical to protect your eyes during an eclipse.)

Experiencing the eclipse

The dramatic burning ring in the sky is the most notable effect of an annular solar eclipse, but viewers will also experience additional sensations. You might notice the temperature drop as the sun is blocked and feel the warmth return as the moon passes by.

You might also hear wildlife react to the sun’s disappearance. Cicadas may stop singing, bees might disappear to their hives, and songbirds may quiet while owls and nighthawks come out. Zoo animals have also been documented transitioning to “nighttime behaviors” as the sky darkens, returning to their shelters or starting evening calls.

Eclipses also have an impact on Earth’s upper atmosphere, the ionosphere. As the sun’s radiation wanes, the density of electrons drops, even creating holes where they are absent—causing anomalies for communication and navigation, especially radio and GPS.

For ham radio hobbyists, this provides an opportunity to see how the eclipse might affect radio broadcasts. Some people even hold solar eclipse listening parties to listen for these effects.

An important opportunity for science

The eclipse offers a chance to learn more about our sun and how Earth is affected by it. Scientists plan to launch sounding rockets before, during, and after the eclipse from White Sands, New Mexico. Reaching heights of 200 miles, these rockets will provide insight to changes in our ionosphere. Balloons will also take data on temperature and pressure along the eclipse’s path.

You don’t need to be an expert to participate in this research. In fact, NASA is looking for citizen scientists to help submit data about what they see and hear during the eclipse and report comets, solar jets, and auroras, which can be more visible during an eclipse.

If you miss the October 14 ring of fire, you will have another opportunity to see a celestial show when a total solar eclipse crosses the U.S. on April 8, 2024. Research from this year’s annular eclipse will help inform projects planned for next year, including a search for asteroids near the sun and analysis of material that comes off the sun in bursts.

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