
With a true jewel, Julián Álvarez opened the scoring in the superclassic that River defeated Boca 2-1 on date 14 of the 2021 Tournament . The Millionaire’s attacker was the author of a great individual play that began near the midfield dribbling forward and, after a hook, with a great long-distance shot put the 1 to 0. Also, converted the second a few minutes from the end of the first part. The public cheered him when he was replaced.

When 25 minutes were disputed of the first half, Álvarez recovered a ball that Almendra lost. With the ball dominated, he faced forward, put a hook on Jorman Campuzano, outlined to finish off from the right and took an incredible shoe that surprised Agustín Rossi, to put the 1 to 0 for River.

Gallardo’s men took advantage of the extra man to put more pressure and were able to open the scoring in the last superclassic of the year. It was Julián Álvarez’s sixth goal in the championship and his second goal against Boca. His other goal against Xeneize had come this year, in the 1 to 1 of the Maradona Cup quarterfinals, a header from the footballer who is summoned by Lionel Scaloni to dispute the triple playoff date.

But Álvarez had more: at 42, with a touch of the first and right at the door of the small area by Agustín Rossi he put the closure to a great collective play by River , who had a brake and a pass from Milton Casco to Santiago Simón before the center and the definition of 9. River was 2-0, with everything in favor.

At 37 in the second half, the top scorer of the match was replaced by Matías Suárez and received the ovation of all those present at the Monumental stadium that already reached seven goals with the Millionaire’s jacket in this championship and is the fourth top scorer of the 2021 Tournament.

Álvarez’s goals for River were the first two goals of a Millionaire footballer in a S uperclásico since 2006. The last time was in the triumph of the de Núñez by 3 to 1. It was Gonzalo Higuaín who achieved that record that afternoon at the Monumental , on October 8, 2006. Daniel Passarella was River’s coach while Ricardo Lavolpe, Boca’s technical director.

At the end of the game Julián Álvarez was chosen as the figure and spoke with the official transmission. He referred to the importance of the victory and his two goals. In the first place, he made a brief analysis of what he saw in the superclassic: “We played a good game, the goals came, they had one less, that’s why we needed to finish it with a few more goals, but we had control of the game,” he said. the attacker who also added: “We thought they could have control of the game, but with one less we knew how to have the ball and we did that to be able to take the game.”

By The last one he referred to the two goals, one of them being a real goal, and which places him with seven goals in the tournament’s scorers table: “In the first one I hooked, I hardly looked at the goal, it was just right and I kicked; the second was a great goal, there were several touches and a good overflow from Santi (Simón) ”.

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