Road rage Karen makes stunning admission after she was filmed being body slammed by man she attacked


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A road rage ‘Karen’ filmed being body slammed by a man she attacked unprovoked has broken her silence to say she has ‘learned her lesson.’  

Katreena Aiken, 36, voluntarily identified herself as the ‘Karen’ seen in the now-viral incident which took place in Toledo earlier this month.

The mom ended up being body slammed into the ground after she attacked a passenger in a car during a confrontation as he tried to walk away from her. 

Aiken took to her local community Facebook page to confirm her identity as the driver of the distinctive blue Ford sedan seen in the video.

Her admission prompted a flurry of questions from other members, including whether she managed to ‘learn that day’.

‘Sure did! Hopefully we all learned a lesson! Ifktr [I know that’s right],’ Aiken replied.

However, it is not the mom’s first brush with trouble, as online records show she was handed a 60-day suspended jail sentence for obstructing a business in 2011.

She pleaded no contest to the misdemeanor charge and was also slapped with an $1,000 fine, plus court costs. Further details have yet to emerge. 

Ohio woman Katreena Aiken, who was filmed being body slammed into the ground after she attacked a man during a traffic altercation, said she ‘learned her lesson’

Aiken, 36, identified herself as the ‘Karen’ seen in the now-viral incident which took place in Toledo earlier this month 

Her Facebook page indicates that Aiken is a mom-of-one to her daughter. 

In the video, Aiken was seen yelling at the driver of a red sedan behind her about being too close to her car.  

She hurled a volley of foul mouthed threats before a man in pajamas stepped out of the passenger door of the red car to remonstrate with her.

‘Let’s go, get out of the f***ing car,’ she screamed as she opened her arms toward the other driver.

The male passenger then got out of the red car as Aiken continued to yell at the driver who remained in the vehicle the entire time.

‘Don’t touch my car!’ the driver of the red vehicle yelled.

‘I didn’t touch your f***ing car. You were on my,’ the Aiken shouted, before turning her attention to the man.

‘My man’s right f***ing there. Come and put your f***ing hands on me,’ she taunted. 

The incident took place in Toledo, Ohio on January 4 after she began yelling at a male passenger 

Aiken was left lying in the icy road after she tried to punch the passenger and he retaliated

Deciding there was no point in trying to calm her down, the man started to walk away.

But this only enraged Aiken further and prompted her to land an unprovoked punch on the man when his back was turned.

The man then quickly turned around, struck her back and slammed her onto the icy road with a sickening thud before pulling off in the red car.

Aiken was left clutching her head and moaning before another motorist who appeared to have witnessed the chaos pulled up and told her to get into her car.

She was seen hobbling away, but did not give any indication she’d been seriously injured by the beat-down.

Police in Toledo said no-one had called the incident in and that there were no plans to pursue any criminal charges.  

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