Romney, Other Anti-Trump Republicans To Fundraise For Cheney Re-Election Bid

Republican Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah, a prominent critic of former President Donald Trump, will help fundraise for Republican Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming as she faces a heated primary race in her bid for re-election.

Romney is set to be the featured guest at a March 14 fundraiser for Cheney, according to a report by Reuters. The fundraiser will be held at the home of Bobbie Kilberg, a prominent Virginia Republican who emerged as an outspoken critic of Trump during his initial bid for the presidency in 2016. Other prominent guests will include former Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, former Virginia Rep. Barbara Comstock, and Cheney’s father, former Vice President Dick Cheney.

GOP Who’s Who Rallies For @Liz_Cheney

Mega-fundraiser to be hosted by @SenatorRomney

— Paul Bedard (@SecretsBedard) January 26, 2022

Trump endorsed one of Cheney’s primary challengers, Harriet Hageman, in September. (RELATED: Liz Cheney Ousted From Republican Leadership Role)

A Republican-run straw poll of 71 people conducted Saturday saw Cheney receive just six votes to Hageman’s 59, according to the Casper Star Tribune. However, Cheney has outraised Hageman, with Cheney reporting $3.6 million on hand to the approximately $245,000 secured by Hageman. Donald Trump Jr. and billionaire Peter Thiel were also scheduled to co-host a fundraiser for Hageman on Wednesday, according to Reuters.

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