Rosa Weber criticizes the PGR's position on Bolsonaro without mask and asks for a new opinion

By Istoé
Published on 10/02/2021 at 11:02 am

The minister of the STF (Supreme Federal Court) Rosa Weber demanded on Friday (1) a new opinion from the Attorney General’s Office on the request to investigate the conduct of President Jair Bolsonaro (no party), after him having appeared without a mask at public events in which it stimulated agglomerations.

Rosa said the prosecutor’s argument that minimized the use of masks in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic generated “perplexity” , when requesting the filing of the request made by the PT, which wants Bolsonaro to be investigated for alleged crimes of infraction of preventive sanitary measure and irregular use of public funds.

The opinion recommending the The filing was signed by the Deputy Attorney General of the Republic Lindôra Araújo, assistant to the Attorney General of the Republic, Augusto Aras. In August, Lindôra said that, as much as the WHO (World Health Organization) recommended the use of a mask, there was uncertainty about the degree of efficiency of the equipment.

According to the PGR, “although it is advisable and prudent to require the population to wear a face mask, there is no way to consider the conduct of those who do not comply with the precept as criminal.”

Rosa Weber disagreed with the understanding adopted by the PGR and reopened the period for the attorney general’s office to comment on the PT’s request. The minister said that it is not up to the Judiciary to question the understanding of science on the appropriate sanitary measures to face the pandemic.

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