ROUNDUP: Continental is restructuring the corporate structure

HANNOVER (dpa-AFX) – With a corporate restructuring, Continental wants to streamline its structure and also strengthen the central future topic of its own software development. The auto supplier presented the plans on Thursday after a board meeting. From January 2022, all activities are to be integrated into just three corporate divisions: Automotive, Tires and the industrial business Contitech. A sub-unit for “Software and Systems Excellence” will be located in the first division. From the turn of the year it will be a separate part alongside five other business areas.

In addition, the Hanover-based company will turn the previously combined business areas tires (tires) and industry (Contitech) into two independent business areas. The tire division was recently one of the most profitable in the Dax ( DAX 40 ) group, although a number of jobs are being cut here. New jobs are mainly created in software, sensors and electronics. A total of up to 30,000 jobs worldwide will be put to the test at Conti over the next few years.

In the new structure of the core automotive supplier area, there are now five subordinate business areas in addition to software and system specialists . These are network technology and high-performance computers, display and control elements, mobility services, autonomous driving and safety technologies. In the previous structure, everything was distributed over seven units and tailored differently – IT only appeared as one of many overarching “central functions”.

The entire new business area is to be headed by CEO Nikolai Setzer. The managers Helmut Matschi – responsible for vehicle networking

– and Frank Jourdan – autonomous driving / safety technology – are retiring

prematurely due to the structural changes. The current seven-strong Conti executive board will be reduced to five managers. Head of IT and technology, Gilles Mabire, will take over the management.

Chairman of the supervisory board Wolfgang Reitzle justified the restructuring with a more direct focus on the most important industry topics: “The strategic realignment is being accelerated and Continental is looking at the transformation the mobility industry is agile, market-driven and future-oriented. ” Setzer was also quoted in the communication: “We are bundling our competencies, especially in the area of ​​software.” In addition, the complexity is decreasing.

The Continental Works Council sees some of its own demands confirmed in the new structure. “It is right and consistent to dissolve principalities and thus basically let the structure follow the strategy,” said the head of the employee representatives, Hasan Allak. It is, however, a shame that “the company has lost very good specialists and executives also because of the delayed decision on personnel consequences at management level”. There had been fierce disputes in the group as well as with unions and state governments about cuts in the tire division, but also in other areas.

The new structure should not be used as an excuse to push through further staff cuts , warned the works council: “Many colleagues in research and development are overloaded with customer projects.” And the recently completed spin-off of the drive technology division into the company Vitesco ( Vitesco Technologies ) was associated with less administrative work. “The new structures must be used to better deploy the resources and to relieve the colleagues.” / Jap / DP / jha

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