[Rugby] Sevens Japan National Team Aimo TD “Both men and women have potential” Defeated at the Tokyo Olympics … Urgent need for reconstruction

Mr. Simon Amo who became the technical director of the Japanese national team for sevens.

The Japan Rugby Association On the 12th, Go Tokunaga National Team Director (ND, 41) and Simon Aimo Technical Director (TD, 42), both men and women from Japan, held an inaugural meeting online on December 27, last year.

Amo TD is the world’s best sevens player in 2004 as a sevens England player, and a silver medal in the 2016 Rio Olympics men’s UK national team as a coach. Won. In the Japanese national team, he is in a general supervisory position, including the training of coaches. Currently, I haven’t been able to come to Japan under Corona, but “I interact with the coaches online almost every day and my Japanese is improving,” Tokunaga ND said. We will meet locally with the Japanese men’s representative who will participate in the World Series 2 tournament starting from the 21st in Spain. Amo TD said, “Japanese sevens have potential for both men and women. I would like to use my experience to help Japan win medals at the Olympics.”

The Japanese national rugby sevens team was defeated in the Tokyo Olympics with the boys in 11th place and the girls in 12th place out of the 12 participating countries. In November of last year, the Asian qualifying for the World Cup was held in South Africa in September of this year, and the girls won the championship and got the right to participate, but the boys missed the right to participate in the World Cup for the first time in 3rd place, and reconstruction is urgently needed. It has become.

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