Russia: US Feels Special Status Around the World

Saturday, 22 January 2022 – 19 :35 WIB


Rusia: AS Merasa Memiliki Status Istimewa di Seluruh Dunia

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov (right) and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. Lavrov quipped that the US felt it had a special status around the world. Photo/REUTERS




satirical United States (USA) who feel they have privileged status around the world as law enforcers and keepers of order. This satire came after Washington questioned the recent presence of peacekeepers Russia and its allies in Kazakhstan. after meeting with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Geneva.

Also read: This is why Russia and Ukraine are on the brink of war

The two diplomats have discussed a number of recent political developments. Lavrov said he had demanded an explanation for comments Blinken made about the presence of Russian peacekeepers in Kazakhstan under the auspices of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), of which Russia and Kazakhstan are members.

“Regarding the ‘sphere of influence’, I asked Antony Blinken to explain it,” Lavrov told reporters, as quoted Russia Today, Saturday (22/1/2022).

“After the president of Kazakhstan asked for help from CSTO in suppressing terrorists, based on the CSTO chapter for assistance, there is a demand that Kazakhstan explain why it is doing what it is doing,” Lavrov continued.

“This illustrates that the West believes in its own special status. . They are allowed to do everything, and others are not allowed to do anything. Look how the European Union behaves,” he explained.

When mass riots broke out in Kazakhstan earlier this month, President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev claimed that rioters were “foreign terrorists” and asked the CSTO for help. , a Russian-led military alliance, to quell the protests.

Several thousand troops, mostly Russian, were sent to the country to guard strategic facilities.

On January 7, Blinken warned that this could be a sign that Moscow has military ambitions in Kazakhstan, saying, “one lesson from recent history is that once the Russians are in your home, it is sometimes very difficult to make they go.”

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