Russia’s Four Diplomatic Encounters and a Summit

Presidents Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Vladimir Putin, Sochi, September 29 (Source: Financial Times)

In late September, while President Joseph Biden struggled with a multitude of domestic issues and President Vladimir Putin sought opportunities to score points on the international arena, the United States and Russia accomplished a series of potentially consequential diplomatic exchanges and probes at the medium–high level. In Geneva, the two sides held rounds of consultations on strategic stability and cybersecurity; both countries’ top military commanders met in Helsinki; and Victoria Nuland, the US Under Secretary of State for political affairs, planned a visit to Moscow. Sergei Lavrov, Russia’s veteran foreign minister, did not cross paths with his US counterpart, Antony Blinken, in the corridors of United Nations General Assembly; but he did find time in his schedule to meet with leaders of the US Jewish community to discuss Russian-US relations (, September 24). In turn, Putin avoided Washington during this time, setting his sights instead on a different horizon, and ended his COVID-19 quarantine to meet with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, in Sochi (, September 29).

Few details emerged about the consultations in Geneva, which were launched last June as one outcome of that first (and so far only) Putin-Biden summit. But the tone of the commentary in the Russian media regarding the latest bilateral talks has tended to be more disappointed than optimistic. Some success was apparently achieved in talks on cybersecurity: namely, several gangs of Russian hackers (such as REvil) implicated in high-impact ransomware attacks have been shut down. Moscow, however, complains about a lack of reciprocity regarding purported hacker attacks originating in the United States (Kommersant, September 29). As for the much-anticipated talks on strategic stability, scant common ground was found as Russia remains reluctant to discuss nuclear warheads for non-strategic systems (Izvestia, October 1). For the US, arms control arrangements that do not include China make little sense, but Russia attaches much importance to preserving bilateral formats, which boost its international profile, and cannot possibly put any pressure on Beijing to join the Geneva pre-negotiations as a third party (Nezavisimaya Gazeta, September 30).

The conversation between General Mark Milley, Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, and General Valery Gerasimov, the chief of the Russian General Staff, remains confidential; yet their meeting in the Finnish capital marked a renewal of exchanges following the interruption that lasted 20 months (Moscow Times, September 22). An obvious need exists to reduce risks of accidental encounters, but the recent intercept of a US B-52H bomber performing a strategic patrol mission over the Northern Pacific by three Russian Su-35 fighters proves that no understanding on this issue has been reached (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, September 26). Moscow signaled strong displeasure with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO) Rapid Trident 2021 exercises in Ukraine, but it adamantly rejects all Western concerns about the military buildup in Crimea or the purpose of last month’s massive Zapad 2021 exercises (Nezavisimoe Voennoe Obozrenie, September 30). Ukraine is supposed to be the main theme of Nuland’s discussions in Moscow with Dmitry Kozak, the deputy head of the Russian presidential administration; however, the Russian side keeps setting new conditions for issuing her a visa, since she is “blacklisted” in response to US sanctions against Russian officials implicated in corruption (Kommersant, September 25).

Moscow is clearly not interested in discussing its military pressure on Ukraine or the reduction of natural gas transit through the latter’s territory: indeed, Hungary and Croatia have already begun receiving Russian gas supplies via the newly constructed Turk Stream pipeline laid across the Black Sea (RBC, October 1). Putin found it opportune to thank Erdoğan for granting support to this project, perhaps the only agenda item in their summit schedule that contained no implicit disputes (RIA Novosti, September 30). Many Moscow-based commentators had predicted a tense meeting, with disagreements stretching from Libya to Syria to Azerbaijan’s Karabakh (Nezavisimaya Gazeta, September 27). Instead, the two leaders, who have a fairly good measure of one another, tried to eschew the quarrels and to publicly show accord, jokingly disagreeing only about who had a higher antibody count after re-vaccination (Kommersant, September 29). Putin was interested primarily in advancing the agenda of nuclear cooperation and arms exports, including further deliveries of S-400 surface-to-air missiles; while Erdoğan was content to go along (Interfax, September 30).

The lack of concern about the escalating tensions in the Syrian rebel-controlled and Turkish-protected Idlib province might appear puzzling, but Putin prefers to focus only on those issues in the conflict-rich Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region that can attract US attention (Nezavisimaya Gazeta, September 27). Lavrov, for that matter, made time in his busy schedule at the UN General Assembly for a meeting with his counterpart from Mali and elaborated on the prospect of deploying Russian private security contractors (such as the notorious Wagner Group) to this region (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, September 26). Whereas Gerasimov, according to Moscow rumors, sought to engage Milley in a discussion on Afghanistan, hinting at the possibility of granting the US limited access to Russian infrastructure in Central Asia (particularly the Kant airbase in Kyrgyzstan) for executing “over-the-horizon” strikes against terrorists of mutual concern (Novaya Gazeta, September 30).

The Russian leadership is perfectly aware of the Biden administration’s heavy policy focus on China but feels anxious about the fast-changing power balance in the Indo-Pacific (, September 24). Putin’s personal ties with Chinese potentate Xi Jinping have become rather lax in the course of the epidemic (which shows no signs of retreat in Russia), and the Kremlin has a hard time figuring out the significance of the recently surging anti-corruption campaign in China (, October 1). The dynamics of the Chinese military buildup is astounding to Russian experts, who lament the dwindling capabilities of their own country’s Pacific Fleet (Nezavisimaoe Voennoe Obozrenie, September 30).

Pressing on various trouble spots in the wider Middle East—from the S-400 missiles in Turkey to the “Wagners” in Mali—may seem for the Kremlin to be a useful tactic to compensate for its weakness in the Asia-Pacific by playing on Russia’s perceived strength, anchored in Syria. The Biden team surely cannot ignore the plethora of security challenges emanating from the Middle East, but it also wants to avoid seeing its top priority distorted, like the “pivot to Asia” was a decade ago. US policy is informed by an assessment of the limits of Russia’s real capabilities to manipulate the conflicts in the Middle East, which are further undercut by the growing need to deal with the new security anxieties in Central Asia. Putin may pretend to be a master of conflict management, but his attempts to regain US attention look increasingly desperate.

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  近日一些地方拉闸限电,引发社会对冬季能源保供的担心。9月29日,国家发展改革委经济运行调节局负责同志回答了记者的提问。   我们有资源、有条件、有能力保障人民群众温暖过冬   记者:发展改革委已经并准备采取哪些措施保障冬季能源供应?   答:党中央、国务院高度重视供暖季能源保供工作,作出了系统部署和安排。针对近期能源供需偏紧的情况,国家发展改革委正会同有关方面坚持以人民为中心,坚持系统观念,坚持问题导向,坚持底线思维,多措并举加强供需调节,重点从6个方面采取措施,确保今冬明春能源稳定供应,确保居民用能安全。   一是多渠道增加能源保供资源。依法依规释放煤炭先进产能,有序增加煤炭进口,尽力增加国内天然气产量,保持中亚管道气进口稳定,压实责任保障煤电气电机组应发尽发。   二是发挥好中长期合同“压舱石”作用。推动发电供热用煤中长期合同直保全覆盖,全面签订年度和供暖季供气合同,及早锁定资源。   三是进一步做好有序用能工作。指导地方科学合理制定有序用能方案,完善动态调整机制,切实做到用户知情、合同约定,确保方案可执行、可操作,科学实施。坚守民生用能保供底线,坚决避免压限居民用能的情况发生。   四是发挥好能源储备和应急保障能力的重要作用。督促电厂在供暖季前将存煤提高到安全水平之上,加快推进应急备用和调峰电源能力建设,严格落实储气设施注气进度,确保入冬前注满。   五是合理疏导用能成本。在确保民生、农业、公益性领域用能价格稳定的情况下,严格按价格政策合理疏导能源企业生产运行成本。   六是有效控制不合理能源需求。坚决遏制“两高”项目不合理用能需求,推动主要耗煤行业节煤限煤。   近年来,我们贯彻落实党中央、国务院决策部署,持之以恒推进能源产供储销体系建设,能源供应保障能力稳步提高。今冬明春我国能源供应是有保障的,我们有资源、有条件、有能力保障人民群众温暖过冬。   坚决做到“限电不拉闸”“限电不限民用”,确保电力运行平稳   记者:东北地区是冬季能源保供的重中之重,社会关注度高,请问将采取哪些针对性保供措施?   答:东北地区天气严寒,采暖季长,居民对采暖要求高,社会关注度高,做好东北地区冬季能源保供工作责任重大、极为关键。国家发展改革委将会同相关部门加大协调力度,向东北地区倾斜资源,全力保障东北能源运行平稳。   一是增加东北地区发电有效出力。组织中央发电企业结合采暖期供暖安排,合理安排机组检修,在确保安全的前提下,提高煤电机组开机水平,切实提升电力供应能力。优化电力运行方式,加强东北地区各省份统筹互济,合理调整东北地区外送电。   二是确保东北地区发电取暖用煤足额供应。在已签订年度煤炭中长期合同基础上,又组织产运需企业集中补签了一批中长期合同,实现东北三省发电供热用煤中长期合同全覆盖,采暖季发电供热用煤资源已得到落实。同时,在山西、陕西、内蒙古地区选取一批条件好的煤矿列为冬季重点应急保供煤矿,在用煤高峰期阶段性释放产能,重点保障东北地区。引导发电供热企业加大进口煤炭采购力度,提前锁定资源和价格,做到应进尽进早进。   三是提升东北地区有序用电管理水平。指导东北地区在当前有序用电方案基础上进一步完善,确保居民、农业等民生领域用户用电不受影响。建立各级政府主管部门、电网企业联合工作机制,在执行有序用电过程中严格做到提前告知用户,鼓励和引导用户主动错峰用电,坚决做到“限电不拉闸”“限电不限民用”,确保电力运行平稳。   民生用能在资源上充分保障,价格严格按政策保持稳定   记者:在今年迎峰度冬能源保供工作中,如何保障民生用能需要,确保群众安全温暖过冬?   答:习近平总书记时刻关心民生冷暖,多次对保障民生用能需要、确保群众安全温暖过冬作出重要指示批示。李克强总理等领导同志先后就做好民生用能保障作出重要批示和工作部署。国家发展改革委会同各地、有关部门和企业,坚持以人民为中心的发展思想,始终把确保民生用能作为保供工作的重中之重。   一是民生用能将在资源上做到充分保障。民生用能占我们整个供应的比重不高,居民用电占全部用电的不到20%,民生用气占全部用气的不到50%,我们有能力、有条件给予全额保障。为保障民生用能供应,很重要的一项措施就是对民生用能实行合同全覆盖。为此,已组织煤炭企业与发电企业签订电煤中长协,实现对发电供热用煤全覆盖。同时,组织供气企业和地方全面签订供气合同,对民生用气合同全覆盖。要求各地将燃气公交车、出租车全部纳入民生用气范围予以保障。   二是民生用能严格按价格政策保持稳定。我国对民生用电用气都有明确的价格政策。对居民生活用电实行政府定价。对居民生活用气实行基准门站价格加合理浮动机制管理。在当前国际能源价格大涨的情况下,相关各方很好地贯彻执行了这些政策要求。民生用电用气价格将严格按价格政策保持基本稳定。   三是切实完善民生用能保障的责任机制和技术条件。近年来,随着人民生活水平不断提高,冬季高峰期取暖用电用气需求不断攀升,加大了调峰保供的难度。部分时段必须坚持民生优先,统筹协调好保障民生用能和部分工商业生产用能的关系。为此,我们组织各地和煤炭、电力、天然气供应企业建立了可中断调峰用户清单,制定了压减预案,必要时科学有序实施“压非保民”,既要兜住民生用能底线,也要把对经济社会发展的影响降到最低。   保障民生用能需要是各级人民政府和相关企业共同的责任。地方须落实好保障民生用能的主体责任,供能企业须落实好民生用能的供应保障责任。只要相关各方切实履行好责任,共同把各项保供措施落实到位,完全能够保障好民生用能需要,确保群众安全温暖过冬。   今冬全国最高用电负荷可能超今夏峰值,有信心有能力做好冬季电力保供   记者:请问迎峰度冬期间电力供需形势如何?下一步将采取哪些措施保障迎峰度冬期间电力供应?   答:今年冬季,受经济稳定增长、取暖用电快速增加等因素影响,预计全国最高用电负荷将逐步攀升,有可能超过今年夏季和去年冬季峰值。国家发展改革委将会同有关方面全力增强电力供应保障能力,加强运行协调调度,确保电力可靠供应。今年冬季全国总装机将达到24亿千瓦左右,同比增加约2亿千瓦,有效顶峰负荷将再提高6000万千瓦以上,顶峰发电能力可以超过12亿千瓦,全国最大发电能力能够保障最高用电负荷需求,我们有信心有能力做好冬季电力保供。   一是做好发电用煤用气保障。加强供需形势研判,压实地方和企业保供责任,提前制定冬季电力用煤用气保供方案,落实好资源和运力,做好入冬前煤炭、天然气储备,保障发电用煤用气充足供应。   二是统筹加强电力保供能力建设。加快推进重要电源电网项目建设,保障煤电、气电机组充分出力,促进清洁能源多发满发,多渠道提升电力供应能力。   三是按价格政策合理疏导发电成本。指导各地切实组织好电力市场交易,严格落实燃煤发电“基准价+上下浮动”的市场化价格机制,让更多电量进入市场交易,不得对市场价格在合理范围内的正常浮动进行不当干预,让价格合理反映电力供需和成本变化。   四是科学制定实施有序用电方案。做到“三个必须坚持”。必须坚持“压非保民”,严格保障民生和重要用户用电。必须坚持“用户知情、合同约定”,确保企业对可中断负荷规模、执行条件等充分了解,组织供电企业、用户、政府主管部门签订合同或协议。必须坚持“限电不拉闸”,科学安排有序用电,严格落实有序用电,严禁拉闸限电。   进一步增加产量、增加进口、动用储备资源和社会库存,采暖季煤炭供应有保障   记者:今冬明春采暖季煤炭供需形势如何?下一步采取哪些措施保障煤炭稳定供应?   答:煤炭仍是我国目前的主体能源,在国家能源供应中发挥着重要的基础和兜底保障作用。经过近几年持续推进煤炭产供储销体系建设,我国煤炭生产供应和应急保障能力大幅提升。今年以来,受我国经济持续恢复和国际大宗能源原材料价格上涨影响,我国煤炭消费超预期增长,供需偏紧。今冬明春采暖季煤炭消费将继续保持增长,通过进一步增加产量、增加进口、动用储备资源和社会库存,煤炭供应是有保障的。   按照党中央、国务院决策部署,国家发展改革委始终把采暖季煤炭保供作为一项重要的民生工作,会同有关方面千方百计采取有力有效措施,确保煤炭安全稳定供应。   一是在确保安全的前提下全力增产增供。指导煤炭主产区和重点企业,科学制订生产计划,安全有效释放先进产能。   二是进一步核增和投产优质产能。支持具备条件的优质产能煤矿释放先进产能。   三是适度增加煤炭进口。支持企业用好国际资源,保持适度进口规模,有效补充国内供应。   四是着力提升存煤水平。支持地方和企业加强煤炭储备能力建设,准备一定规模应急储备资源,着力增加电厂存煤。   五是重点保障发电供热用煤需要。发挥煤炭中长期合同“压舱石”作用,在年度中长期合同的基础上,组织产运需企业补签合同,推进发电供热用煤中长期合同全覆盖,同时加强履约监管,保障发电供热等民生用煤稳定供应和价格平稳。   六是规范市场运行秩序,会同有关部门加强市场监管,严厉查处哄抬价格等违规行为,稳定社会预期。   总的来看,通过采取一系列有力有效措施,今冬明春采暖季用煤需求是有保障的,煤炭供应水平能够确保人民群众温暖过冬。   确需实施有序用气的地方,坚决做到“压非保民”“限气不关阀”   记者:近期国际天然气价格持续走高,这对我国冬季天然气保障供应带来哪些影响?如何更好地保障供暖季民生用气需求?   答:今年以来,国际天然气价格持续走高。中国是天然气进口大国,国际气价上涨客观上会抬高我们进口使用天然气的成本。得益于这几年我们按照习近平总书记指明的方向,持之以恒扎实推进天然气产供储销体系建设,大力推动国内增储上产,加强进口统筹协调,加快提升储气能力,国际气价上涨对我们的影响总体是可控的。特别是我国对居民用气实行基准门站价格管理,国际气价上涨对居民生活等民生用气影响可控制到最低限度。针对今冬明春国际国内天然气市场形势,我们会同有关部门和企业,及早采取措施保障天然气安全稳定供应,确保群众安全温暖过冬。   一是冬季保供气源有明显增加。组织上游供气企业大力推进国内增储上产,前8个月国内生产天然气1361亿立方米,同比增长10.8%,供暖季期间将继续保持安全高负荷生产。指导企业及早安排采购现货LNG资源,保持管道气进口稳定。截至目前,已提前锁定冬季保供资源1744亿立方米,做好今冬天然气保供工作我们是有底气的。   二是实现了中长期合同全覆盖。组织上游供气企业和各地全面签订全年和供暖季合同,绝大多数省区市签订合同量都比上年实际消费量有一定增长,为保障供暖季高峰期天然气供需关系稳定奠定了坚实基础。供暖季期间,我们将督促各方严格按照合同保障供用气,维护好供用气秩序。   三是调峰保供能力明显增强。今年入冬前全国可形成储气量超过270亿立方米,比上年进一步提升,冬季高峰期每天可动用储气超过2亿立方米。同时,准备了一定规模的应急储气量,确保应急调峰需要。坚持底线思维,指导地方和企业更新完善了3亿立方米/天的可中断非居民用户清单,制定了分级压减预案,做到随时可用,确保居民生活、供暖等民生用气需要。确需实施有序用气的地方,也要坚决做到“压非保民”“限气不关阀”。   四是对民生用气加强重点保障。对民生用气全部纳入合同保障范围,落实保障供用气责任。协调上游供气企业对北方清洁取暖重点地区在气源保障上给予倾斜支持。冬季高峰期,对个别地区、部分时段出现供应偏紧情况,将及时加强调度,确保民生等重点用气需要。   《 人民日报 》( 2021年09月30日 07 版)…
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