S-400 message from President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to the USA via the New York Times! We strengthen our defense as we wish.

Başkan Erdoğan’dan ABD’ye S-400 mesajı!

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who was in New York during the week of the 76th United Nations General Assembly, gave a very clear S-400 message by speaking to the American New York Times (NYT).

Başkan Erdoğan’dan ABD’ye S-400 mesajı!

According to the part of the news published on President Erdogan’s bilateral meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin yesterday, Erdogan’s purchase of the advanced Russian defense system, which is the main military alliance of the West, It was stated that he rejected the criticism that he was undermining NATO.

Başkan Erdoğan’dan ABD’ye S-400 mesajı!

According to the news, President Erdogan, in his statement to the NYT editorial board, stated that both NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and the then US President Donald Trump had the right to choose Turkey’s weapons suppliers. reminding that he confirmed, “We are buying our own weapons.”

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