Sakamoto Days Chapter 54: Release Date, Discussions and Break

In chapter 53, titled “No Way,” Slur and Mr. Sakamoto faced off each other. Mr. Sakamoto tried to knock out Slur but was unable to do so. Slur found Mr. Sakamoto to be the weaker version of himself.

Mr. Sakamoto had only one choice to finish Slur, and it was to use the intent to kill. Slur provoked Mr. Sakamoto, and they got into a fight.

Gaku appeared and was annoyed he had to face the old man without warning. Takamura was seen approaching while the fight with Slur and Mr. Sakamoto was on hold.

What will Mr. Sakamoto get into next as he faces new foes? Let’s find out as we bring you the latest chapter updates of the manga.

1. Chapter 54 Discussions

The chapters of Sakamoto Days are thrilling right now, and fans are beyond excited with how the plot is progressing. Slur is too good of a fighter, but Mr. Sakamoto holds back and controls his killing intent.

Mr. Sakamoto got provoked and almost managed to defeat Slur. How will he handle Slur, given his motives? Will he have to kill Slur to end this madness? I admired how the manga adds fun talks between all the commotion.

Yes, there are more Takamura panels on the way, and I’m excited to see what this old man will do. I hope Mr. Sakamoto and Takamura will team up to fight Slur and his gang. I think Slur might not keep up if Takamura is involved.

The following chapters will defiantly show the outcome of the events so far as we wait for the action-packed comedy chapters of Sakamoto Days.

2. Chapter 54 Release Date

Chapter 54 of the Sakamoto Days manga will be released on Sunday, Jan 16, 2022. The chapter title has not been leaked yet.

I. Is Sakamoto Days on Break This Week?

Chapter 54 of Sakamoto Days is unfortunately on a break this week. It will continue in the next issue after a week, as usual.

3. Chapter 54 Raw Scans and Leaks

Raw scans for chapter 54 of Sakamoto Days have not been released yet. These scans usually surface on the internet one to two days before the weekly release day. So we can expect it maybe by January 15.

4. Recap of Chapter 53

This chapter starts with Mr. Sakamoto facing Slur at the JAA. Uda asks Slur if he should take care of the three, but Slur replies it’s unnecessary because he finds it fun. Slur then asks Mr. Sakamoto if he’s going to kill him again.

Sakamoto Days Chapter 54: Release Date, Discussions and Break
Sakamoto Days | Source: Fandom

Mr. Sakamoto quickly goes to Slur’s side to stab his neck, but Slur evades it easily. Slur sighs and tells Mr. Sakamoto reminds him of how he was before – naïve and annoying. He punches Mr.

Sakamoto, and the impact of the hit is intense, causing Mr. Sakamoto more damage.

Slur points out that he wasn’t a star student like Mr. Sakamoto and the rest. He realizes he doesn’t need a heart to kill after graduation. He tries to show an example by killing Shin, luckily Mr. Sakamoto saves Shin and takes Apart away.

Slur states there’s no point in running away since they’ll eventually die here. He then says the only way to stop him is to fight him with the intent to kill. Mr. Sakamoto replies he isn’t an assassin anymore.

Slur then says that letting him live will cause someone else to die. He brings up the fact that Mr. Sakamoto has a daughter. This provokes Mr. Sakamoto, and he moves to attack. Slur senses the killing intent and prepares for the attack.

He is amused that Mr. Sakamoto’s intent is like the old days. As Mr. Sakamoto goes to finish Slur, Shin calls him, which reminds Mr. Sakamoto about the family he’s made.

Sakamoto Days Chapter 54: Release Date, Discussions and Break
Sakamoto Days | Source: Fandom

Suddenly, Gaku breaks into the floor and annoyingly says how they didn’t tell him about the freaky old guy.

Slur is disappointed that the fight is on hold as things were getting somewhere with him and Mr. Sakamoto. Later, Takamura approaches the fight muttering something as usual.

5. Where to Read Sakamoto Days?

6. About Sakamoto Days

“Sakamoto Days” is a comedy-action manga by Yuto Suzuki published in Weekly Shonen Jump. The author is already known for two successful one-shots, Garaku and Locker Room.

The first chapter of this manga series was released on November 21, 2020. The story follows the Ultimate Assassin, Taro Sakamoto, who shifts to a much more peaceful lifestyle after falling in love with a convenience store owner.

Originally Written By Epic Dope

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