Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3 can record falls, so don't fool the Samsung warranty

One of the terrible moments of a phone owner, especially in the case of an expensive one, is when the terminal falls on the floor. Some users hide such incidents and go to the warranty / service without giving full details. But major phone manufacturers have their own systems for signaling damage to phones. For example we find out that Samsung has included a drop detection on Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3 .

Foldable which started in August 2021 and which sells very well due to lower price , has a login system, which records using the accelerometer all escape and fall incidents. Samsung engineers can use those logs to determine if the terminal has been dropped from a height of 1 meter or not and check if there is serious damage covered or not by the warranty.

The source also states that some services are more permissive than others, so it’s up to the user’s luck. The information was corroborated with the antics of some owners of Z Flip 3. In some cases Samsung offered the repair the phone under warranty, even if it is found that the phone has been dropped 3 times, the last leak taking place 10 hours before the screen breaks. This is just an isolated case though.

It is not known if the Galaxy Z Fold 3 has a similar logging system. I think there may be nobler purposes for such a system, namely the detection of the fall of an elderly or sick person, following the model of smart watches.

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