Samsung is working on a digital copy of the human brain

It is still impossible to create a digital likeness of human thinking
(photo: CC0 Public Domain)

Engineers of
Samsung together with scientists from X the Harvard University is trying to create human-like artificial intelligence . For this purpose, specialists develop new romorphic chips with the possibility of copying in them of human brain as a model for information processing .

The method of Samsung allows you to “copy and paste” a map of brain neurons into 3D neuromorphic chips. An array of nanoelectrodes is used, which mimics neurons and registers the locations of their compounds, as well as the strength of these compounds.

Subsequently, the collected data can be “copied and pasted” into three-dimensional network of semiconductor memory, it is clear from a publication in Brandsynario .

Samsung sees development as a revolution in the development of artificial intelligence. But for now, it is still impossible to create a digital likeness of human thinking.

Because the brain is made up of 100 million neurons, which provide a huge number of synaptic connections, in its electronic a copy will require 100 million to several trillion units of information. This means that a computer device cannot operate with as much low power consumption as the human brain.

At the same time, it is noted that if the ideas of Sasmung’s engineers and scientists go further, we will really get smart devices – from smartphones to cars capable of making their own decisions.

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