Samsung issues huge new software update for Galaxy Watch4 series

Samsung’s Galaxy Watch4 and Galaxy Watch4 Classic are getting a big new software update that brings improved body composition insights as well as runner and cyclists specific advanced interval training programs.

In addition, Samsung is bringing a bevy of new watch faces and a new line of watch straps which will be available from Samsung and partner retailers.

Samsung issues huge new software update for Galaxy Watch4 series

The new body composition targets and insights include daily tips and reminders to help you stay on track with your specific fitness journey. You’ll get details on your specific body composition goals including weight, body fat percentage and skeletal muscle mass. These will be visible on the Samsung Health app on your phone.

New body composition targets and insights

New body composition targets and insights

The updated interval training feature allows runners and cyclists to set and track custom intensity training sessions. Samsung is also adding a percent of VO2 Max reading to let you know how hard you’re pushing yourself as well as a new sweat loss indicator that measures the amount of sweat you lost during your workout and how much water you should consume to recover.

new fitness tracking modes

New fitness tracking modes

Another new addition is the recovery heart rate measurements which generate data up to two minutes after your workout ends.

Samsung is also bringing a new sleep coaching program that gives you personalized tips on how to get better rest. The new sleep coaching program is custom made for each user based on their daily routines as well as a new feature that can automatically switch off connected SmartThings devices like TVs and smart lights as soon as the watch detects you’re sleeping.

Updated sleep coaching menus

Updated sleep coaching menus

The new software update will be available for both Galaxy Watch 4 and Watch 4 Classic starting from February 10.

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