Samsung The Terrace and The Sero TVs are launched commercially in Romania, lifestyle models, one of which has a rotating screen

The end of the week was also marked by an important event organized locally, the one through which Samsung celebrated the commercial launch of two new lifestyle TVs . We are talking about the models The Terrace and The Sero which were created for a different target audience. We still have more details

First of all, find out that the TVs were launched in a small press event and that they go beyond the conventional idea of ​​what a TV should look like. TV. The Samsung Lifestyle series also includes The Frame (picture TV), The Serif (the real piece of scenery) and The Premiere (a powerful video projector). All these products help users to express their personality and enjoy any kind of content.

Samsung The Terrace


The TV The Terrace , as its name suggests, is a model for the terrace. It is the first 4K QLED outdoor TV launched by Samsung, designed to work outdoors. It has IP55 certification, being resistant to interference, as well as dust, humidity and heat. It has a 4K QLED panel, offers 100% color volume and delivers rich and accurate color quality, even in sunlight.

Samsung The Sero

The Sero on the other hand , is the first rotary screen TV launched by Samsung. It stands out for being ideal for vertical content consumption. Once connected to the phone (via tap view, a simple touch on the frame), the TV screen rotates, following the automatic rotation of the phone screen.


The TV shows the content, including applications and social media accounts, with an optimized viewing ratio. Applications are displayed in full screen (horizontal or vertical). And here we have QLED technology, with 100% volume and realistic colors no matter how bright or dark the cut frames are.

Here are the prices of these TVs locally:

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