Samuel Mariano is accused of breaking into evangelical church in Paraíba

The pastor and singer gospel Samuel Mariano is being accused of breaking into and taking possession of a church temple Assembleia de Deus , in the city of Cabedelo, municipality in the Metropolitan Region of João Pessoa, in the state of Paraíba. In addition, the top leader of AD Brás, Bishop Samuel Ferreira and pastor Dilmas de Campina Grande, are also accused of the same violation.

The information was disclosed by journalist Emerson Ax by social media. According to the professional, the leaders of AD Brás broke into and illegally took possession of the time. According to Machado, they filed a lawsuit in justice to take over the temple of Pastor Ednaldo, who has led the church for over 27 years.

According to information,

Samuel Mariano , Samuel Ferreira and Dilmas would have used it in bad faith, including asking to Pastor Ednaldo if he would have R$ 1 million to spend on lawyers and judges, in order to keep the temple.

But, according to the journalist, who covers news from Metropolitan Region of João Pessoa, the pastors won the case “without explanation and without legal basis”. As a result, they broke into the church. The case took place in the afternoon of last Friday (24/09), in the afternoon, and was attended by Military Police vehicles and court officials.

“The sentence says that until the 28th of this month, Pastor Ednaldo along with his Church had this deadline to appeal. However, on Friday morning (24), the judge anticipated the decree validating full ownership for Madureira and Samuel Mariano, where the other party was not even aware of what was happening,” wrote the journalist.

The journalist, who has more than 1 million followers on Instagram alone, came out in defense of the local pastor and criticized Samuel Mariano’s attitude towards the alleged illegal possession of the temple.

“Popular people feel revolted by the fact that Pastor Samuel Mariano, unfairly, expelled a much loved pastor from the city, after years of dedication for the city and for the Kingdom of God. In a mysterious way the pr. Samuel Mariano wins a cause without explanation and without legal basis, he breaks down the church with vehicles, and bailiffs, out of greed and desire to rejoice in the failure of others, Samuel Mariano still shows signs of his bad character and lust”, wrote the journalist.

Both Pastor Samuel Mariano and Bishop Samuel Ferreira did not publish on the subject. Until the end of this article, both had not yet spoken.

Note: This article has been indexed to our site. We do not claim ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at the original source Click Here

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