Sanitary and firefighters demand the abolition of compulsory vaccination by the SC

First entry: Friday, October 8, 2021, 15:19

Υγειονομικοί και πυροσβέστες ζητούν κατάργηση του υποχρεωτικού εμβολιασμού από το ΣτΕ

The fight against compulsory coronavirus vaccination was transferred to the Plenary Session of the Council of State, with the lawyers of the Federations, the Associations and ordinary citizens opposing both this measure and the self-diagnostic tests ( self-test), requesting their annulment.

Among the appeals discussed were those of the Panhellenic Federation of Public Hospital Employees (POEDIN), of the Workers Union in National Emergency Center and the firefighters of EMAK, that they violate the constitutional legal order, the international and European treaties and the Code of Ethics of doctors.

The sanitary hospital staff considers that the personal medical data of nurses, doctors and workers in health structures, when it is verified through AMKA whether they have been vaccinated or not. In addition, “the penalty imposed on them for indefinite dismissal, losing salaries and pension rights, is not only illegal, as they said, but also contrary to the provisions that protect the right to work and establish the principle of proportionality, equality of citizens but also the right to a prior hearing. They even spoke of unbearable psychological violence which they accepted at a time when there is no official information from the State about the number of people vaccinated who have died from Covid-19.

The ombudsmen of the State (NSK) and the First Health District of Attica attributed the relevant JMCs to the fact that “we are at war, as our biological condition is deteriorating, and in a war tough measures are needed”. They also reported that all drugs have side effects, even aspirin, while making extensive reference to the case law of the CoC.

The decision of the CoC Plenary is expected at the end of the year or at the beginning of 2012 at the latest. However, so far, the Supreme Court of Cassation, in a series of decisions, has today ruled in favor of vaccinations and self-tests. In fact, recently the Fourth Department of the CoC ruled that the mandatory self-test of Covid-19 (self-test) in public sector employees and the electronic recording of their result is constitutional and in accordance with European and Greek legislation and does not violate Sensitive personal health data. the application of the free compulsory diagnostic test for Covid-19 to students, but also to teachers of all primary and secondary schools.

Last Updated: Friday, 8 October 2021, 15:29

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