Santa Cruz: In five minutes more than 20 people without chinstraps were counted in the middle of the Fair

TO Despite the recommendations to avoid the spread of Covid-19, it was evidenced that some people do not use one of the main biosafety measures.

Source : Red Uno

More of a score of people were found ‘red-handed’ without a chinstrap at the Barrio Lindo Fair in Santa Cruz, considering that it is the department that brings together most of the registered cases of coronavirus in the country.

This social experiment to raise awareness in the population about the use of chinstraps was carried out by El Mañanero through a journalistic dispatch from the popular fair. In the tour that lasted approximately 5 minutes, 20 people were counted who did not wear the chinstrap, they were immediately given one to encourage its use.

Despite the recommendations of health specialists and the measures imposed by the authorities on complying with biosafety measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, the lack of awareness in society is evident in the streets, considering that the country is going through the fourth wave breaking record in infections and Santa Cruz is considered the epicenter of the pandemic.

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