Sawing of proposals for increased punishment for rape

Tung kritik mot skärpt minimistraff för våldtäkt. Arkivbild. Heavy criticism of stricter minimum punishment for rape. Stock Photography. Photo: Johan Nilsson / TT

In June, the government’s investigators proposed that the minimum sentence for rape be increased from two to three years. But three of the inquiry’s experts opposed the proposal, because they did not see strong enough reasons – in addition to the Riksdag pushing for tougher penalties.

Several legal consultative bodies are now behind experts and rejects a stricter penalty. other crimes and that a sharpening of the penalty scales is not the appropriate way to reduce recidivism in sexual crimes, as there is a lack of empirical support for tougher penalties reduces this risk “, the Swedish Courts Administration writes in its response to the consultation.

“The criminal policy will that sexual crimes be valued more severely than other crimes weighs, in relation to the reasons mentioned, less heavily.”

Disproportionately high

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