Scandic expands operations in Germany with new Berlin hotel

2 min reading time

Published on 12/02/25 – Updated on 12/02/25

Scandic Hotels is set to increase its presence in Germany with a new property in Berlin. The company has entered into a lease agreement with AXA Investment Managers to operate a 214-room hotel in the western district of the city’s downtown area.

The hotel will undergo renovations to align with Scandic’s brand and operational standards. Upon its opening in the third quarter of 2026, Scandic will operate three hotels in Berlin, totaling 992 rooms.

Location and amenities

The hotel is located near Kurfürstendamm, a well-known shopping boulevard, and close to office complexes housing international companies. Following renovations, the property will offer updated meeting spaces, a restaurant, a bar, and wellness facilities, including a fitness center and sauna. Its accessibility via public transportation will provide convenience for various types of travelers. As part of Scandic’s commitment to sustainability, the hotel will receive technical and environmental upgrades. It will be certified under the Nordic Swan Ecolabel, reflecting the company’s efforts toward sustainable hospitality practices.

” Berlin is an important market for Scandic, where the company already operates two hotels in central locations that attract leisure and corporate guests alike. Berlin’s status as a host city for major trade fairs, conferences and cultural events ensures year-round demand for accommodations. Expanding our collaboration with AXA Investment Managers gives both companies conditions to boost growth in the German market,” – Jens Mathiesen, President & CEO at Scandic Hotels Group.

Berlin’s role in Scandic’s expansion

Berlin remains a key market in Europe’s hospitality sector, attracting both business and leisure travelers. Germany’s popularity as a tourist destination, combined with its significance as a business hub, makes it an important area for Scandic’s growth. This agreement follows a previous partnership with AXA Investment Managers for a hotel in Stuttgart, signed in 2024.

“This is in line with Scandic’s expansion strategy and our ambition to seize and drive growth opportunities in key markets that are attractive to us and our hotel guests. We aim to become one of West Berlin’s most popular hotels for leisure and business travelers. It’s also about building long-term and successful partnerships. This is why it fells so positive to be expanding our collaboration with AXA Investment Managers,” – Jesper Engman, Senior Vice President Portfolio Development.

Expansion of Scandic’s presence in Germany

With the addition of this Berlin property, Scandic will operate nine hotels across Germany, offering a total of 2,849 rooms. This expansion aligns with the company’s strategy of strengthening its presence in key destinations while meeting the needs of both business and leisure travelers.

Scandic Hotels Group

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