Second Android 15 Developer Preview expands satellite connectivity support

Google dropped the second developer preview of Android 15 with several updates and changes, including support for satellite connectivity.

As detailed by The Verge, Developer Preview 2 (DP2) sports new user interface (UI) elements for satellite connectivity, including an icon for the status bar as well as an option to show the name of the satellite network a device connects to.

The Verge notes this is the first official confirmation from Google that Android 15 will support satellite connectivity. Google’s Android 15 DP2 blog also details “support for SMS/ MMS applications as well as preloaded RCS applications to use satellite connectivity for sending and receiving messages.”

Some other notable changes include screen recording detection that will allow apps to notify users when their activity is being recorded, improvements to one-tap contactless payment reliability, support for a new ‘CTA-2075‘ loudness standard to help avoid inconsistent volume when switching between content, and more.

DP2 also sports improvements for flip phones that should make the tiny cover displays more useful.

You can check out the Android Developers Blog here.

Source: Google Via: The Verge

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